Farm Maps

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See also: Cabin, Cabin Locations
The selection area for maps at character creation.

There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once selected.

The Standard Farm offers the most space to plant crops and raise animals. The other seven farms lack farming area, but offer special perks in comparison:

The Riverland Farm encourages Fishing.
The Forest Farm encourages Foraging.
The Hill-top Farm encourages Mining.
The Wilderness Farm encourages Combat (but only gives 1/3 Combat experience for it).
The Four Corners Farm offers perks from other maps and encourages Multiplayer.
The Beach Farm offers extra items and encourages Fishing and Foraging, but discourages Farming late game.
The Meadowlands Farm encourages Farming, specifically raising animals, and comes with two chickens by default.

The interior of the farmhouse is decorated to match the theme of the chosen map. This includes furniture, wallpaper and flooring. The exterior of the house is the same regardless of map choice.

There is an abandoned building on all maps which can later be turned into the Greenhouse. Once repaired, it can be moved by visiting the Carpenter's Shop or Wizard's Tower.

Map Types

Name Map Description Associated Skill
Standard Farm Map Icon.png
Standard Farm
Standard Farm thumb.png
  • The majority of this map is farming land, ideal for crops and animals.
  • The biggest contiguous (tillable) rectangular area is 63 x 31 (1953) tiles.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 3427, with 235 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Farming Skill Icon.png Farming
Riverland Farm Map Icon.png
Riverland Farm
Riverlands Farm thumb.png
  • Water significantly decreases the overall farming area.
  • Players start with a Fish Smoker.
  • Fishing is viable on this farm:[1]
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 1578, with 516 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing
Forest Farm Map Icon.png
Forest Farm
Forest Farm thumb.png Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging
Hilltop Farm Map Icon.png
Hill-top Farm
Hilltop Farm thumb.png
  • The southwest hill-top spawns Stones, Ore nodes, and Geode nodes depending on the player's Mining level. If the farm quarry is cleared, it will usually regenerate 7-13 items every 4th day, which appears to be the optimal day to clear the farm quarry. The mining area may sometimes be blocked by a Large Stump, Large Log, or a Boulder, making it impossible to enter until the player has the correct tool.
  • Additional cliffs and a stream decrease the overall farming area.
  • When fishing:[1]
    • 50% of the time, players will catch forest river fish, i.e., fish that are found in the Cindersap Forest river.
    • 50% of the time, players will catch only trash.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 1648, with 930 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Mining Skill Icon.png Mining
Wilderness Farm Map Icon.png
Wilderness Farm
Wilderness Farm thumb.png
  • Monsters spawn at night (scales with the player's Combat level).
  • When fishing:[1]
    • 35% of the time, players will catch lake fish, i.e., fish that are found in The Mountain lake.
    • 65% of the time, players will catch only trash.
  • Additional cliffs and ponds decrease the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2131, with 444 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Combat Skill Icon.png Combat
Four Corners Farm Map Icon.png
Four Corners Farm
Four Corners Farm.png
  • The farming area is split by cliffs into four distinct areas, each reminiscent of some of the other Farm Maps.
  • Top left: Forest Farm. This quadrant has a small grassy area containing a Large Stump, and weeds here can transform into the unique ones that always drop mixed seeds, the same as on the Forest Farm.
  • Top right: Standard Farm. This quadrant has the most farming space.
  • Bottom left: This quadrant has a pond. Players have a 50% chance of catching forest pond fish, i.e., fish that are found in the Cindersap Forest pond.[1]
  • Bottom right: Hill-top Farm. This quadrant contains a small quarry that spawns Rocks and Ore and Geode nodes depending on the player's Mining level.
  • Additional cliffs and ponds decrease the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2952, with 562 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Multiplayer Icon.png Multiplayer
Beach Farm Map Icon.png
Beach Farm
Beach Farm.png
  • Sprinklers don't work in the sandy soil.
    • There is a contiguous patch of 202 non-sandy tiles (10x20 plus 2) where sprinklers can be placed (requires clearing from trees and large logs with a steel axe or better), and an additional 28 tiles scattered around the map (notably around ponds) which may also benefit from sprinklers.
  • Good foraging and fishing, and a lot of open space. Sometimes, supply crates wash up on shore.
  • Both forest and beach foragables may spawn.
  • Intended for "seasoned players", not as a first farm. A typical strategy of increasing crop fields and crafting large quantities of quality sprinklers won't work on this farm.
  • When fishing:[1]
    • 15% of the time, players will catch Seaweed.
    • 5.1% of the time, players will catch one of Oyster, Coral, Mussel or Cockle. Chances for each item are equal.
    • 52.73% of the time, players will catch ocean fish, i.e., fish that are found in The Beach.
    • 27.17% of the time, players will catch trash.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2700, with 1928 non-tillable but buildable tiles.
Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging
Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing
Meadowlands Farm Map Icon.png
Meadowlands Farm
Meadowlands Farm.png
  • Has a chewy blue grass that animals love.
  • Players start with a Coop and two chickens, randomly named.
  • Instead of receiving 15 Parsnip Seeds from Mayor Lewis, the player instead receives 15 pieces of Hay from an unknown source.
  • When fishing from the river, players have a 40% chance of catching forest pond fish, i.e., fish that are found in the Cindersap Forest pond. 60% of the time, players will catch trash.[1]
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2066.
Farming Skill Icon.png Farming

Map Tab

The following gallery shows how each farm type appears in-game on the player's map tab.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The fish that can be caught on each of the farm maps are determined by the data file Content\Locations.xnb.
  2. See Farm::DayUpdate in the game code.


  • 1.0: Introduced Standard Farm Map.
  • 1.1: Added Forest, Hill-top, Riverland, and Wilderness Farm Maps.
  • 1.4: Added Four Corners Farm Map.
  • 1.5: Added Beach Farm Map. Chat interface changes, which eliminated a bug preventing placement of path tiles near Cindersap Forest. Greenhouse can now be moved.
  • 1.6: Added Meadowlands Farm Map. Players on the Riverland Farm Map get a Fish Smoker by default. Iridium Golems now spawn exclusively on the Wilderness Farm Map. Monsters now give 1/3 of normal Combat experience when spawned on the Farm. Farmhouse can now be moved.