Modding:Lost items shop

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This page explains how the game stores and parses lost items shop data. This is an advanced guide for mod developers.

1.6.9 adds a hidden shop in the secret woods which sells unique items you've already unlocked but no longer own. For example, the soda machine is received from the JojaMart completion event; if you lose it, it would otherwise be gone forever. All items are sold for a flat data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10,000g price.

Data Format

You can add/edit lost items shop data by editing the the new Data/LostItemsShop asset, which consists of a list of models with these fields:

field effect
Id The unique string ID for this entry.
ItemId The qualified item ID of the item to add to the shop.
The requirement for this item to be added to the shop.

You can specify either RequireMailReceived (a mail flag to match in players' received mail) or RequireEventSeen (an event ID players have seen). If you specify both, only RequireMailReceived is used.