Dressed Spinner

Dressed Spinner
Dressed Spinner.png
The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing.
Source Fish ShopCraftingFishing Treasure ChestsFestival of Ice
Sell Price data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500g
Recipe Source Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing (Level 8)
Ingredients Iron Bar.png Iron Bar (2)Cloth.png Cloth (1)

The Dressed Spinner is a tackle that helps fishing by reducing maximum delay before a nibble by 7.5 seconds (15 seconds if the player is using an Advanced Iridium Rod with 2 Dressed Spinners). It can be crafted or purchased from Willy's Fish Shop for data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1,000g after reaching Fishing level 8. It can also be found in regular Fishing Treasure Chests (4% chance) after reaching Fishing level 6 and Golden Fishing Treasure Chests (9% chance).[1] It may also randomly appear at the Traveling Cart for data-sort-value="500"Gold.png1,500–2,500g or obtained as a gift from Willy at the Feast of the Winter Star. It can also be found in Mystery Boxes and Golden Mystery Boxes after reaching Fishing level 6.

One Dressed Spinner is the reward for completing the Bundle Green.png Lake Fish Bundle in the Fish Tank. One Dressed Spinner is also one of the rewards the player gets the first time they win the fishing competition at the Festival of Ice.

Only the Iridium Rod or the Advanced Iridium Rod can equip tackle. The Iridium Rod can only attach one tackle at a time, while the Advanced Iridium Rod can attach two. To attach tackle, left-click on the tackle, then right-click on the rod. To remove tackle, first right-click to remove any bait, then right-click to remove the tackle. For an Advanced Iridium Rod, the left tackle will be the first one removed.

Tackle does not stack in inventory or chests; each tackle takes up one inventory slot.


Villager Reactions

Dislike   Abigail  Alex  Caroline  Clint  Demetrius  Dwarf  Elliott  Emily  Evelyn  George  Gus  Haley  Harvey  Jas  Jodi  Kent  Krobus  Leah  Leo  Lewis  Linus  Marnie  Maru  Pam  Penny  Pierre  Robin  Sam  Sandy  Sebastian  Shane  Vincent  Willy  Wizard


The Dressed Spinner is not used in any bundles.


The Dressed Spinner is not used in any quests.


  1. See FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction in the game code.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.6: Reduces maximum delay before a nibble by 15 seconds when two Dressed Spinners are equipped at once.