Modding:Animal data

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Animal data is stored in Content\Data\FarmAnimals.xnb, which can be unpacked using XNB Extract.

Here's an example for reference:

"Dinosaur": "1/0/107/-1/none/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/1/8/null/644/1000/Dinosaur/Coop",

Basic format

All bundles share the same format, which cannot be re-ordered. Each field is explained below.

index syntax description
0 <Animal Name> What the animal will be called. Can be changed freely or new entries added for new animals.
1 <Days to Produce> Number of days for the animal to produce its product. Is affected by friendship/happiness in some way.
2 <Age When Mature> Number of days until mature.
3 <Default Produce Index> Index number for default produce item (ex Milk). Taken from springobjects.xnb
4 <Deluxe Produce Index> Index number for deluxe produce item (ex Large Milk). Taken from springobjects.xnb.
5 <SoundID> What sound clip the animal will use. Available sounds are cluck, Duck, rabbit, cow, goat, pig, sheep, or none.
6-9 <Front-to-back Bounding Box> Unused data. In form of 8/32/48/32/. Can be all zeroes.
10-13 <Sideways Bounding Box> Unused data. In form of 8/32/48/32/. Can be all zeroes.
14 <Harvest Type>
15 <Show Different Texture> Used for indicating an animal with a secondary texture, for example sheep. Accepts true/false.
16 <Building Type> Building category animal lives in. Currently only Coop or Barn.
17-18 <Sprite Width/Height> Size in pixels of front and back sprites. Ex: Chickens are 16/16.
19-20 <Sprite Width/Height> Size in pixels of sideways sprites. Ex: Chickens are 16/16.
21 <Fullness Drain>
22 <Happiness Drain>
23 <Harvest Tool> Which tool is needed to harvest produce from animal. Excepts Milk Pail, Shears, or null.
24 <Meat Index> Index number for meat sprites, pulled from SpringObjects.xnb. Unused in vanilla game, but may be used by mods such as Animal Husbandry.
25 <Price> Cost of animal when purchasing from Marnie.
26 <Display Type> Name to display for animal type. Used for non-English language compatibility, but is also present in English version.
16 <Display Building> Name to display for what building animal lives in. Used for non-English language compatibility, but is also present in English version.