User:Pathoschild/Modding wishlist/Completed

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Revision as of 03:07, 20 April 2023 by Pathoschild (talk | contribs) (→‎Small changes: remove list of accessibility modifier changes (very incomplete, too many to reasonably list here))
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This page lists changes requested by modders which were implemented in previous game versions.

Current wishlist

See the current list of requested changes.

Done in Stardew Valley 1.3.27

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.3.

Bug fixes

  • ☑ Fix strange null handling with net fields (mostly fixed).
  • ☑ Fix bee houses hardcoded to check Farm location, instead of their current location.
  • ☑ On the load menu, clicking the 'back' button clicks the slot under it.
  • Object.getOne() doesn't copy the 1.2+ fields: name, DisplayName, preserve, preservedParentSheetIndex, and honeyType.

Small changes

  • ☑ Include Stardew Valley.pdb in the release, so we get line numbers when a crash happens in game code.
  • ☑ Add a SerializableDictionary<string, string> CustomData property to SaveData, for SMAPI mods to safely store data.
  • ☑ Remove Farmer namespace (so we don't need to alias the Farmer class anymore).
  • ☑ Make these Game1 fields protected instead of private: _debugStringBuilder, _fpsList, _fpsStopwatch, _fps, _newDayTask, _bgColor, screen, lightingBlend, drawFarmBuildings, drawHUD, drawDialogueBox, drawOverlays, and renderScreenBuffer. That will let SMAPI override the draw loop without reflection calls.
  • ☑ Make LocalizedContentManager.languageCodeString public. That will let SMAPI override the draw loop without reflection calls.
  • ☑ Remove LocalizedContentManager.LanguageOverride; it's unused, and that way SMAPI won't need to handle it.
  • ☑ Replace ChatBox.enableCheats() with a property.
  • ☑ Make these methods/properties virtual:
    • Item:
      • canStackWith
      • CompareTo
    • ☑ LocalizedContentManager:
      • CreateTemporary
      • Load(assetName, language)
      • LoadBase
      • CreateTemporary
      • LoadString
      • LoadBaseString
    • Buildings/Building:
      • textureName
      • resetTexture
      • showUpgradeAnimation
      • getNameOfNextUpgrade
      • showDestroyedAnimation
      • updateInteriorWarps
      • drawInConstruction
    • Buildings/Stable:
      • grabHorse
    • Locations/FarmHouse:
      • showSpouseRoom
      • loadMapForUpgradeLevel
      • setMapForUpgradeLevel
      • loadSpouseRoom
    • Menus/ChatBox:
      • textboxEnter
      • runCommand (and mark it protected)
      • addInfoMessage
      • globalInfoMessage
      • addErrorMessage
      • listPlayers
      • showHelp
      • setText
      • messageColor (and mark it protected)
      • receiveChatMessage
      • addMessage
    • Menus/IClickableMenu:
      • receiveRightClick (currently abstract)
    • Network/NetAudioCueManager:
      • Update
    • Objects/Chest:
      • grabItemFromChest
      • addItem
      • grabItemFromInventory
      • isEmpty
      • clearNulls
      • draw (last overload)
    • Objects/Object:
      • cutWeed
      • isAnimalProduct
      • canBeShipped
      • rot
      • isForage
      • initializeLightSource
      • consumeRecipe
      • performUseAction
      • grabItemFromAutoGrabber
      • farmerAdjacentAction
      • addWorkingAnimation
      • drawAsProp
      • sellToStorePrice
    • Projectiles/Projectile:
      • update
    • TV
  • Make Farmer.friendships internal to avoid confusion (replaced with friendshipData) (would require significant changes to how the class is serialised).
  • Include Stardew Valley.xml in the release (if available), so we get code documentation (no code documentation available).

Medium changes

  • ☑ Add Game1.hooks to let SMAPI intercept some core game logic.
  • ☑ Add Game1.input, which centralises Keyboard.GetState(), Mouse.GetState(), and GamePad.GetState().
  • ☑ Add a GameLocation.IsGreenhouse property, set it to true for the greenhouse, and use it anywhere the game checks .Name.Equals("Greenhouse"). That will let mods add custom indoor locations where crops can grow.
  • ☑ Change GameLocation.updateSeasonalTilesheets to enable custom seasonal tilesheets.
  • ☑ Instead of hardcoding non-social NPCs in new SocialMenu(...), add a virtual npc.CanSocialise field.
  • ☑ Integrate SMAPI's SDate features into the new WorldDate (like comparison operators and DayOfWeek).
  • ☑ Add events to NetList for item added/removed/replaced (similar to the ones NetDictionary has). SMAPI will use them to watch for changes in some collections (like player inventory).


  • ☑ Change static Multiplayer class into a Game1.multiplayer field so SMAPI can override it, and make its methods non-static and virtual.
  • ☑ Use interfaces instead of concrete types to let SMAPI/mods override them:
    • Farmer:
      • IList<Buff> buffs
      • IList<OutgoingMessage> messageQueue
    • Game1:
      • NetBase<IWorldState> netWorldState (create interface)
      • IGameServer GameServer (create interface)
      • ISoundBank soundBank (create interface with thin wrapper around SoundBank)
      • IList<GameLocation> locations
      • IList<Item> itemsToShip
      • IList<IClickableMenu> onScreenMenus
      • IList<DelayedAction> delayedActions
      • IDictionary<int, string> objectInformation
      • IDictionary<int, string> bigCraftablesInformation
      • IDictionary<string, string> NPCGiftTastes
  • Use Game1.CreateContentManager consistently.
  • ☑ Internal changes to CoopMenu so SMAPI can hook into it.
  • ☑ Replace obj.getType() == type with obj is type to support mod subclasses in various places.
  • Update the bundled Mono to the latest version (declined, too big a change).
  • Include a full (non-stripped) bundled Mono, to avoid issues with mod code (declined, too big a change).

Done in Stardew Valley 1.3.28

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.3.

Small changes

  • ☑ When creating honey, set preservedParentSheetIndex to the flower's item ID.
  • ☑ Make LoadGameMenu's inner classes public.
  • ☑ Change ItemGrabMenu.sourceItem to public readonly object context, and track non-objects too. Suggested values:
    • Chest instance when opening a chest (like current sourceItem);
    • auto-grabber / Mill / JunimoHut instance when viewing their output;
    • AdventureGuild / LibraryMuseum / JunimoNoteMenu / FishingRod instance for their rewards;
    • Farm.shippingBin for the shipping bin;
    • Item instance if opened by a method like addItemByMenuIfNecessary;
    • null if not applicable.
  • ☑ Change GameLocation.IsGreenhouse to a { get; set; } property, and set it in the location constructor instead.
  • ☑ When logging an exception, use Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString()) instead of Console.WriteLine(exception.GetType()) + Console.WriteLine(exception.Message) + Console.WriteLine(exception.StackTrace). This will let SMAPI detect exception messages more easily.
  • ☑ Make these methods virtual:
    • Character:
      • checkForFootstep
    • Locations\DecoratableLocation:
      • isTileOnWall
      • setFloors
      • setWallpapers
      • getFloorAt
      • getWallForRoomAt
      • setFloor
      • getWalls (and make it non-static)
      • getFloors (and make it non-static)

Done in Stardew Valley 1.3.32

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.3.

Small changes

  • ☑ Tweak accessibility modifiers:
    class changes
    • Make field protected: disconnectingFarmers.
    • Make classes public.
    • Make fields protected: peers and server.
    • Make methods protected virtual: sendMessage(NetConnection, OutgoingMessage) and parseDataMessageFromClient.
    • make fields protected: client.
    • make methods protected virtual: onReceiveConnection, onReceiveMessage, onReceiveDisconnect, and onReceiveError.
    • make class public.
    • make fields protected: server and peers.
    • make methods protected virtual: onReceiveConnection, onReceiveMessage, onReceiveDisconnect, onReceiveError, and sendMessage(GalaxyID, OutgoingMessage).
  • ☑ Changes to use IsGreenhouse:
    location changes
    // from:
    if (... || !this.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason) || ...)
    // to: 
    if (... || (!environment.IsGreenhouse && !this.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason)) || ...)
    // from:
    if (!Game1.currentLocation.IsOutdoors || crop.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason))
    // to:
    if (!Game1.currentLocation.IsOutdoors || Game1.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse || crop.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason))
    // from:
    if (!who.currentLocation.isFarm && who.currentLocation.IsOutdoors)
    // to: 
    if (!who.currentLocation.isFarm && !who.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse && who.currentLocation.IsOutdoors)
    // from:
    if (!who.currentLocation.isOutdoors || crop.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason))
    // to:
    if (!who.currentLocation.isOutdoors || who.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse || crop.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason))

Done in Stardew Valley 1.4

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.4.

Bug fixes

  • When a fence is placed, its maxHealth is assigned to the same NetFloat instance as health. This causes the max health to deteriorate over time until the game is reloaded. (To fix it, this.maxHealth = should become this.maxHealth.Value =
  • Fix crash when wearing the Jukebox Ring (only obtainable via mods) in the mines.
  • Fix MineShaft checking character count instead of monster count, which causes issues like ladders not spawning if a horse is present.

Small changes

  • ☑ Add the game version to the save file. (That enables game/mod migrations when loading a save from an older game version.)
  • ☑ Change Utility.getAllCharacters(List<T>) to also return the list, to simplify usage.
  • ☑ Tweak accessibility modifiers:
    class changes
    • make classes public.
    • make fields public: scheduleTimeToTry, NO_TRY.
    • make methods public: getTextureName (also it probably doesn't need to handle the rival anymore).
    • make fields public: interiorDoors.
    • make methods public: reloadMap, updateWarps.
    • make fields public: tabs, pages.
    • make fields public: forSale, categoriesToSellHere, itemPriceAndStock, hoverPrice, heldItem, hoveredItem, currency, currentItemIndex.
    • make fields public: birds, cloudsTexture, titleButtonsTexture.
    • make class public;
    • make fields public: storeItems, abigailPortraitDuration, quit, died, targetMonster;
    • make all CowboyMonster, Dracula, and Outlaw fields public.
    • make fields public: fenceTexture.
    • make field protected: client.
    • make fields public: texture.
    • make fields public: texture.
  • ☑ Changes to use IsGreenhouse:
    location changes
    // from:
    if (... && (!Game1.currentSeason.Equals("winter") ||"greenhouse")))
    // to: 
    if (... && (!Game1.IsWinter || Game1.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse))
    // from:
    if (... ||"greenhouse"))
    // to:
    if (... || environment.IsGreenhouse)
    <syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
    // from:
    if ("greenhouse"))
    // to:
    if (environment.IsGreenhouse)
    // from:
    if (... ||"greenhouse")))
    // to: 
    if (... || Game1.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse))
    // from:
    if (!Game1.currentSeason.Equals("winter") || this.treeType == 6 || environment.Name.ToLower().Contains("greenhouse"))
    // to: 
    if (!Game1.IsWinter || this.treeType == 6 || environment.IsGreenhouse)
  • ☑ Make methods virtual:
    class methods
    Game1 _draw, drawHUD, drawMouseCursor, drawOverlays, drawWeather, renderScreenBuffer
  • ☑ Remove unused content files:
    • Characters/schedules/beforePathfinding/*;
    • Characters/schedules/newSchedules/*;
    • Characters/schedules/spring/*.
  • ☑ Remove unused code:
    • TerrainFeatures/DiggableWall;
    • TerrainFeatures/TerrainFeatureFactory.
  • ☑ In GameLocation.loadObjects, split the door-finding logic into a separate updateDoors method for reuse.
  • ☑ In Farmhouse.loadSpouseRoom, avoid dictionary.Add to fix a common crash when a mod has already added that property there.
  • ☑ Remove confusing content folder fallback logic in Game1.Initialize, where the game looks for a hardcoded Windows path (and usually crashes with a confusing error) if the XACT folder isn't found.
  • ☑ Load NPC schedules data through a helper function so it's easier to track down schedule load issues.

Medium changes

  • ☑ Change the beehouse logic to allow honey from any hoed-dirt flower, instead of the vanilla subset.
  • ☑ Fix reharvestable crops always dropping the min number of items, instead of a random number between the min and max values. (Stardew Valley 1.4 also adjusts the crop data so the end result for vanilla crops matches the 1.3.36 behavior.)
  • ☑ Add an ICue interface and change references to Cue. That would let SMAPI/mods take control of sounds and music, which is hard to do currently.
  • ☑ Some XNB files have a separate display name field, but only in non-English. Using display names consistently regardless of language would let mods rename things without breaking keys:
    • Data\BigCraftablesInformation
    • Data\ObjectInformation
  • ☑ Consolidate Crop.harvest logic so it's consistent between scythe and hand harvesting.
  • ☑ Move the Data\* loading logic out of the FarmAnimal and NPC constructors into reloadData() methods (so animal/NPC data can be refreshed when the asset changes).
  • ☑ Reload farm animal & NPC data when the save is loaded, to fix inconsistency bugs and simplify mod changes to fields like an NPC's default location.

Done in Stardew Valley 1.4.4

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.4.

Bug fixes

  • TrashBear.updateItemWanted is hardcoded to assume Data\CookingRecipes field 2 is an item ID, but it can actually be an item ID and count like 272 5 (e.g. see CraftingRecipe constructor). That means it crashes if it randomly chooses a recipe with multiple outputs.

Done in Stardew Valley 1.5

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.5.

Bug fixes

  • ☑ The game handles this.Window.ClientSizeChanged unsafely in Game1, so the resize logic can run in the middle of a draw/update cycle and cause ObjectDisposedException crashes. For most players the crash is rare (if they avoid resizing the window while it's loading something), but a minority of players report constant crashes. Proposed fix: when the window resize event is called, set a flag and perform the resize logic on the next update tick instead.
  • ItemGrabMenu exits immediately if it's opened for a chest in another location, unless it's given a null source chest.
  • Game1.warpFarmer moves the player when they warp from any location marked IsGreenhouse to the farm; it should check Name == "Greenhouse" instead to allow for custom greenhouse locations.

Small changes

  • ☑ Add chest.GetCapacity() method to simplify modded chest sizes.
  • ☑ Add a modData dictionary field on Building, Character, GameLocation, Item, and TerrainFeature to store arbitrary mod data that's read/written to the save file and synchronized in multiplayer.
  • ☑ In festival maps, allow adding NPC spawns by editing the festival data file instead of patching the characters tilesheet (which is conflict-prone).
  • ☑ Add a utility method like Utility.ModifyTime(0600, 70) == 0710 to simplify common time math in mod (and game) code.
  • ☑ Change the WarpGreenhouse action to use the farm warp position, instead of a hardcoded position.
  • ☑ Tweak accessibility modifiers:
    class changes
    • make fields public: isEating.
    • make fields public: cursedDoll, hauntedSkull.
    • make fields public: currentPage, currentTab, secretNotesData, secretNoteImageTexture.
    • make fields public: pagesOfCraftingRecipes, _materialContainers.
    • make fields public: dialogues, characterDialoguesBrokenUp, responses, selectedResponse, characterDialogue, dialogueContinuedOnNextPage, dialogueFinished.
    • make fields public: cookingOrCrafting, learnedRecipe, mailMessage, moneyIncluded, scale, whichBG.
    • make methods public and virtual: getTextColor.
    • make fields public: texture.
    • make methods public: textureName.
    • make fields public: spriteTexture, loadedTexture, endOfAnimationFunction.
    • make fields public: recipeList, itemToProduce, description;
    • make methods virtual: createItem, doesFarmerHaveIngredientsInInventory, drawMenuView, drawRecipeDescription, getCraftableCount, getCraftCountText, getNumberOfIngredients.
    • make fields public: critters.
    • make methods virtual: draw, update.

Medium changes

  • ☑ Add support for specifying NPC gift tastes using item context tags instead of IDs.
  • ☑ Add missing mod NPCs to the game for farmhands too, so they can be summoned in festivals.
  • ☑ Map tilesheets exist in both Content and Content/Maps, but only the latter are used. Deleting the ones under Content would reduce confusion.
  • ☑ Get the farmhouse and greenhouse locations from a map property, instead of static values in code. That would let map modders easily move it.

Done in Stardew Valley 1.5.5

See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.5.5.

Bug fixes

  • Object.getOne doesn't copy the owner field, so it's not set correctly for most placed items.
  • ☑ In HoeDirt.seasonUpdate, change !this.isGreenhouseDirt.Value && base.currentLocation is not IslandLocation to !base.currentLocation.SeedsIgnoreSeasonsHere() so fertilizer doesn't disappear in other locations that ignore seasons.
  • ☑ Fix rain not watering tilled dirt outside the farm.
  • ☑ Fix some sprites not rendered correctly at large Y tile coordinates (e.g. mailbox after Y=155).
  • ☑ Fix warp tower on the island ignoring WarpTotemEntry farm property.
  • ☑ Fix fishing menu crashing if the bobber bar is too big due to stacking every fishing buff.
  • ☑ Fix farm shrine player interactions checking tile indexes instead of the GrandpaShrineLocation map property.
  • ☑ Fix tile-based seat interactions having higher priority than action property checks.

Small changes

  • ☑ Add a Data/LocationNames asset or Data/Festivals/* field instead of hardcoding specific festival location names in performTenMinuteClockUpdate (search for Game1.cs.2634).
  • ☑ Add a TouchAction Warp tile property which is identical TouchAction MagicWarp, but without the sound/visual effects (see [[.
  • ☑ Add map properties IsFarm T and IsGreenhouse T to set the location's IsFarm and IsGreenhouse properties in GameLocation.loadMap (similar to the existing Outdoors T).
  • ☑ Remove unused BloomComponent, BloomSettings, and all code which references them (this is broken and never enabled).
  • ☑ Make the game assembly name (i.e. Stardew Valley.exe on Windows and StardewValley.exe on Linux/macOS) consistent to simplify crossplatform modding.
  • ☑ Remove caching on the farmhouse KitchenStandingLocation property to simplify editing it.
  • ☑ Include Stardew Valley.xml in the release build so we get code documentation.
  • ☑ NPCs check the player spouse or NPC relationships with a substring match. That causes issues for mods; e.g. Jas will show marriage dialogue for a custom Jasper NPC. More specifically:
    method proposed change
    old: Game1.player.spouse.Contains(base.Name)
    new: Game1.player.spouse == base.Name
    old: !dispositions[base.Name].Split('/')[9].Contains(c.Name)
    new: !dispositions[base.Name].Split('/')[9].Split(' ').Contains(c.Name)
    old: !who.spouse.Contains(base.Name)
    new: who.spouse != base.Name
  • ☑ Make methods virtual:
    class methods
    BedFurniture GetBedSpot
    Boots loadDisplayFields, onEquip, onUnequip
    Clothing Dye, GetOtherData, LoadData
    Crop draw, drawInMenu, drawWithOffset, getRandomWildCropForSeason, getSourceRect, growCompletely, harvest, hitWithHoe, InferSeedIndex, isWildSeedCrop, newDay, ResetCropYield, ResetPhaseDays, updateDrawMath
    Fence CanRepairWithThisItem, GetRepairHealthAdjustment, loadFenceTexture, repair, toggleGate
    FishTankFurniture GetCapacityForCategory
    Furniture addLights, drawAtNonTileSpot, getDefaultBoundingBoxForType, getDefaultSourceRectForType, GetModifiedWallTilePosition, getScaleSize, GetSittingDirection, GetSittingPosition, getTilesWide, getTilesHigh, HasSittingFarmers, isGroundFurniture, IsSeatHere, IsSittingHere, loadDescription, lightSourceIdentifier, OnAdded, removeLights, rotate, setFireplace, updateDrawPosition, updateRotation
    FruitTree shake
    MeleeWeapon defaultKnockBackForThisType, DoDamage, getItemLevel, isScythe, RecalculateAppliedForges, drawDuringUse
    Object countsForShippedCollection, getPriceAfterMultipliers, getScale, isSapling
    StorageFurniture ShowShopMenu, SortItems
  • Medium changes

    • ☑ Move hardcoded scarecrow logic from Farm.addCrows into new Object.IsScarecrow() and Object.GetRadiusForScarecrow() methods.
    • ☑ Get the spouse room offset from Data/NPCDispositions a new Data/spouseRooms asset, instead of hardcoding it in FarmHouse.loadSpouseRoom.
    • ☑ Call Game1.hooks.OnGameLocation_CheckAction from overridden checkAction methods too, not only the base one.


    • ☑ The farmhouse walls are hardcoded in FarmHouse.getWalls; moving those into a content file would make custom renovations and layouts much easier.
    • ☑ Make the game framework (i.e. XNA Framework on Windows and MonoGame on Linux/macOS) consistent to simplify crossplatform modding.

    Done in Stardew Valley 1.5.6

    Bug fixes

    • ☑ Fix crash in GameLocation.getTileIndexAt(Point p, string layer) if the layer is missing (which currently affects custom spouse rooms due to 1.5.5 adding a new layer).
    • ☑ Fix custom language time format's HOURS_24_00 incorrectly wrapping at 12.
    • ☑ Fix custom spouse room stand positions ignored due to ApplyMapOverride creating layer with wrong size.

    Small changes

    • ☑ Fix Stardew Valley.dll no longer having a unique build number in the version after Stardew Valley 1.5.5.

    Done in Stardew Valley 1.6 (upcoming)

    See also Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.6 for the full list of modding changes in 1.6.

    Small changes

    • ☑ Change all remaining internal class and private class to public class to simplify mod access.
    • ☑ Change Utility.isMale(name) to check the NPC info instead of a hardcoded switch, so it works with custom NPCs.
    • ☑ Change IslandLocation.DrawParallaxHorizon to support custom sunset times that aren't on the hour, by using Utility.CalculateMinutesBetweenTimes instead of calculating the time manually.
    • ☑ Remove Woods.stumps and use the new location.resourceClumps field instead.
    • ☑ Tweak accessibility modifiers. (Stardew Valley 1.6 marks a large number of methods virtual and public/protected, too many to list here.)

    Medium changes

    • ☑ Some XNB files have a separate display name field, but only in non-English. Using display names consistently regardless of language would let mods rename things without breaking keys:
      • Data\Boots
      • Data\Bundles
      • Data\CraftingRecipes
      • Data\CookingRecipes
      • Data\Furniture
      • Data\Weapons
    • ☑ Remove hardcoded logic that ignores display names when playing in English (e.g. for NPC gift taste dialogues). That causes a bug where renamed NPCs still show their internal name in some places.


    • ☑ Add unique item keys and allow custom spritesheets per item. This would eliminate the current complexities with adding custom items to Stardew Valley, make code much more readable, simplify troubleshooting mod errors, and make it possible to support any item type in cases like sending mail. See the detailed proposal doc.
    • ☑ Move shop inventories into a data asset so mods can easily change them (e.g. "<shop id>": "item_id quantity_available [required_mail_flag]/...").