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===Patching static constructors===
===Patching static constructors===
The <tt>AccessTools</tt> methods for constructors (<tt>DeclaredConstructor</tt>, <tt>Constructor</tt>, and <tt>GetDeclaredConstructors</tt>) no longer match static constructors by default. Pass <tt>searchForStatic: true</tt> to the methods if needed.
The <tt>AccessTools</tt> methods for constructors (<tt>Constructor</tt>, <tt>DeclaredConstructor</tt>, and <tt>GetDeclaredConstructors</tt>) no longer match static constructors by default. Use the new <tt>searchForStatic</tt> argument if you need to match them:
<source lang="c#">
// match static constructors only
var method = AccessTools.Constructor(typeof(ExampleType), searchForStatic: true);
// match static *or* instance constructors
var method =
  AccessTools.Constructor(typeof(ExampleType), searchForStatic: true)
  ?? AccessTools.Constructor(typeof(ExampleType));
Note that Harmony no longer matches static constructors for a good reason — they're only called once for the type, so often static constructor patches won't work correctly.
===Patching virtual methods===
===Patching virtual methods===


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