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→‎Custom items: Mark as migrated to Modding:Items
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==What's new for items==
==What's new for items==
===Custom items===
===Custom items===
{{/doc status|[[Modding:Items]]|done=false}}
{{/doc status|[[Modding:Items]]|done=true}}
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====Define a custom item====
====Define a custom item====
You can define custom items for most vanilla item types using only [[Modding:Content Patcher|Content Patcher]] or [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Content|SMAPI's content API]].
You can define custom items for most vanilla item types using only [[Modding:Content Patcher|Content Patcher]] or [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Content|SMAPI's content API]].
For example, this content pack adds a new Pufferchick item with a custom image, custom gift tastes, and a custom crop that produces it. Note that item references in other data assets like <samp>Data/Crops</samp> and <samp>Data/NPCGiftTastes</samp> use the item ID.
    "Format": "</nowiki>{{Content Patcher version}}<nowiki>",
    "Changes": [
        // add item
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/Objects",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_Pufferchick": {
                    "Name": "{{ModId}}_Pufferchick", // best practice to match the ID, since it's sometimes used as an alternate ID (e.g. in Data/CraftingRecipes)
                    "Displayname": "Pufferchick",
                    "Description": "An example object.",
                    "Type": "Seeds",
                    "Category": -74,
                    "Price": 1200,
                    "Texture": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
                    "SpriteIndex": 0
        // add gift tastes
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/NPCGiftTastes",
            "TextOperations": [
                    "Operation": "Append",
                    "Target": ["Entries", "Universal_Love"],
                    "Value": "{{ModId}}_Pufferchick",
                    "Delimiter": " " // if there are already values, add a space between them and the new one
        // add crop (Pufferchick is both seed and produce, like coffee beans)
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/Crops",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_Pufferchick": {
                    "Seasons": [ "spring", "summer", "fall" ],
                    "DaysInPhase": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
                    "HarvestItemId": "{{ModId}}_Pufferchick",
                    "Texture": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Crops",
                    "SpriteIndex": 0
        // add item + crop images
            "Action": "Load",
            "Target": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Crops, Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
            "FromFile": "assets/{{TargetWithoutPath}}.png" // assets/Crops.png, assets/Objects.png
Most item data assets work just like <samp>Data/Objects</samp>. See also specific info for [[#Custom fruit trees|custom fruit trees]], [[#Custom tools|custom tools]], and [[#Custom melee weapon data|melee weapons]].
Most item data assets work just like <samp>Data/Objects</samp>. See also specific info for [[#Custom fruit trees|custom fruit trees]], [[#Custom tools|custom tools]], and [[#Custom melee weapon data|melee weapons]].
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====For C# mods====
====For C# mods====
<dl style="margin-left: 2em;">
<dt>Compare items</dt>
Since <samp>Item.QualifiedItemId</samp> is globally unique, it can be used to simplify comparing items. For example:
{| class="wikitable"
! old code
! new code
| <samp>item.ParentSheetIndex == 128</samp>
| <samp>item.QualifiedItemId == "(O)128"</samp>
| <samp>IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 128)</samp>
| <samp>item.QualifiedItemId == "(O)128"</samp>
| <samp>!item.bigCraftable && item.ParentSheetIndex == 128</samp>
| <samp>item.QualifiedItemId == "(O)128"</samp>
| <samp>item is Boots && item.ParentSheetIndex == 505</samp>
| <samp>item.QualifiedItemId == "(B)505"</samp>
You can also use <samp>ItemRegistry.QualifyItemId</samp> to convert any item ID into a qualified one (if it's valid), and <samp>ItemRegistry.HasItemId</samp> to check if an item has a qualified or unqualified item ID.
Note that flavored item don't have their own ID. For example, Blueberry Wine and Wine are both <samp>(O)348</samp>. This affects flavored jellies, juices, pickles, and wines. In those cases you should still compare their separate fields like <samp>preservedParentSheetIndex</samp> (which actually contains the preserved item's <samp>ItemId</samp>, not its <samp>ParentSheetIndex</samp>).
<dt>Construct items</dt>
<dd>Creating items works just like before, except that you now specify the item's <samp>ItemId</samp> (''not'' <samp>QualifiedItemId</samp>) instead of its <samp>ParentSheetIndex</samp>. For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
new Object("128", 1);                      // vanilla item
new Object("Example.ModId_Watermelon", 1); // custom item
You can use a new utility method to construct items from their <samp>QualifiedItemId</samp>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
Item item = ItemRegistry.Create("(B)505"); // Rubber Boots
<dt>Define custom item types</dt>
Stardew Valley 1.6 added new ways to compare/construct items, define custom item types, and work with item metadata. Please see [[Modding:Items]] for the migrated docs.
<dd>You can implement <samp>IItemDataDefinition</samp> for your own item type, and call <samp>ItemRegistry.AddTypeDefinition</samp> to register it. This provides all the logic needed by the game to handle the item type: where to get item data, how to draw them, etc.
'''This is extremely specialized''', and multiplayer compatibility is unknown. Most mods should add custom items within the existing types instead.</dd>
<dt>New <samp>Is*</samp> methods</dt>
<dd>1.6 adds some <samp>StardewValley.Object</samp> methods to handle custom items in a generic way (and to let mods patch the logic):
{| class="wikitable"
! method
! effect
| <samp>object.IsBar()</samp>
| Whether the item is a [[Copper Bar|copper bar]], [[Iron Bar|iron bar]], [[Gold Bar|gold bar]], [[Iridium Bar|iridium bar]], or [[Radioactive Bar|radioactive bar]].
| <samp>object.IsBreakableStone()</samp>
| Whether the item is a stone debris item which can be broken by a pickaxe.
| <samp>object.IsFence()</samp>
| Whether the item is a [[Crafting#Fences|fence]].
| <samp>object.IsFruitTreeSapling()</samp>
| Whether the item is a [[Fruit Trees|fruit tree]] sapling. This checks the <samp>Data\fruitTrees</samp> keys, so it works with custom fruit trees too.
| <samp>object.IsHeldOverHead()</samp>
| Whether the player is shown holding up the item when it's selected in their toolbar. Default true (except for furniture).
| <samp>object.IsIncubator()</samp>
| Whether the item can incubate [[Animals|farm animal]] eggs when placed in a building.
| <samp>object.IsTapper()</samp>
| Whether the item is a [[Tapper|tapper]] or [[Heavy Tapper|heavy tapper]].
| <samp>object.IsTeaSapling()</samp>
| Whether the item is a [[Tea Sapling|tea sapling]].
| <samp>object.IsTwig()</samp>
| Whethere the item is a twig debris item.
| <samp>object.IsWeeds()</samp>
| Whether the item is a weed debris item.
<dt>Work with item metadata</dt>
1.6 adds an <samp>ItemRegistry</samp> API for working with the new item system. Some of the provided methods are:
{| class="wikitable"
! method
! effect
| <samp>ItemRegistry.Create</samp>
| Create an item from its item ID (qualified or unqualified). If the ID doesn't match a real item, the optional <samp>allowNull</samp> parameter indicates whether to return null or an Error Item. For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
Item item = ItemRegistry.Create("(B)505"); // Rubber Boots
You can also get a specific value type instead of <samp>Item</samp> if needed. This will throw a descriptive exception if the type isn't compatible (e.g. you try to convert furniture to boots).
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
Boots item = ItemRegistry.Create<Boots>("(B)505"); // Rubber Boots
| <samp>ItemRegistry.Exists</samp>
| Get whether a qualified or unqualified item ID matches an existing item. For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
bool pufferfishExist = ItemRegistry.Exists("(O)128");
| <samp>ItemRegistry.IsQualifiedId</samp>
| Get whether the given item ID is qualified with the type prefix (like <samp>(O)128</samp> instead of <samp>128</samp>).
| <samp>ItemRegistry.QualifyItemId</samp>
| Get the unique qualified item ID given an unqualified or qualified one. For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
string qualifiedId = ItemRegistry.QualifyItemId("128"); // returns (O)128
| <samp>ItemRegistry.GetMetadata</samp>
| This lets you get high-level info about an item:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
// get info about Rubber Boots
ItemMetadata info = ItemRegistry.GetMetadata("(B)505");
// get item ID info
$"The item has unqualified ID {info.LocalId}, qualified ID {info.QualifiedId}, and is defined by the {info.TypeIdentifier} item data definition.";
// does the item exist in the data files?
bool exists = info.Exists();
And get common parsed item data:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
// get parsed info
ParsedItemData data = info.GetParsedData();
$"The internal name is {data.InternalName}, translated name {data.DisplayName}, description {data.Description}, etc.";
// draw an item sprite
Texture2D texture = data.GetTexture();
Rectangle sourceRect = data.GetSourceRect();
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, Vector2.Zero, sourceRect, Color.White);
And create an item:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
Item item = metadata.CreateItem();
And get the type definition (note that this is very specialized, and you should usually use <samp>ItemRegistry</samp> instead to benefit from its caching and optimizations):
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
IItemDataDefinition typeDefinition = info.GetTypeDefinition();
| <samp>ItemRegistry.ResolveMetadata</samp>
| Equivalent to <samp>ItemRegistry.GetMetadata</samp>, except that it'll return null if the item doesn't exist.
| <samp>ItemRegistry.GetData</samp>
| Get the parsed data about an item, or <samp>null</samp> if the item doesn't exist. This is a shortcut for <code>ItemRegistry.ResolveMetadata(id)?.GetParsedData()</code>; see the previous method for info on the parsed data.
| <samp>ItemRegistry.GetDataOrErrorItem</samp>
| Equivalent to <samp>ItemRegistry.GetData</samp>, except that it'll return info for an Error Item if the item doesn't exist (e.g. for drawing in inventory).
| <samp>ItemRegistry.GetErrorItemName</samp>
| Get a translated ''Error Item'' label.
===Custom big craftables===
===Custom big craftables===


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