
look front end scares me, okay?
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<div style="border: 1px solid red; background: #FCC; padding: 1em; "><h4>Warning: Console commands can have permanent side effects on your save and are not meant for general use. If you do not understand the command, do not use it on a save you care about.</h4> <h3>You can permanently break your save. You have been warned.</h3></div>
<div style="border: 1px solid red; background: #FCC; padding: 1em; "><center><font size=3em>Warning: Console commands can have permanent side effects on your save and are not meant for general use. If you do not understand the command, do not use it on a save you care about.</font><br /><font size=4em>You can permanently break your save. You have been warned.</font></center></div>
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