Modding:Player Guide/Key Bindings

Modding:Player Guide/header

Some mods let you edit key bindings, which are controller/keyboard/mouse buttons which do something in-game. This page explains how to configure them.

How to configure a mod's bindings

  1. Install the mod (see help).
  2. Run SMAPI at least once with the mod to let it generate its config file.
  3. Edit config.json in the mod's folder with a text editor.
  4. Change the key options using the values below. (On Mac, make sure it doesn't change to curly quotes.)

Note that some mods may not be configurable.

Reserved bindings

You can't use the key bound to the chat box in multiplayer (default T).

Available bindings


Keyboard bindings are supported by virtually all configurable mods.

common keys
value description
A through Z The letter keys.
D0 through D9 The number keys.
Down, Left,
Right, Up
The arrow keys.
F1 through F24 The function keys.
Apps The applications or menu () key, typically located next to your right CTRL key.
Back The backspace ( or ) key.
CapsLock The CAPS LOCK or key.
Enter The ENTER or key.
Escape The ESC key.
LeftAlt, RightAlt The ALT keys.
LeftControl, RightControl The CTRL key.
LeftShift, RightShift The SHIFT or keys.
LeftWindows, RightWindows The Windows keys.
OemCloseBrackets The ] key.
OemComma The , key.
OemMinus The - key.
OemOpenBrackets The [ key.
OemPeriod The . key.
OemPipe The | key.
OemPlus The + key.
OemQuestion The ? key on a US standard keyboard.
OemQuotes The ' or " key on a US standard keyboard.
OemSemicolon The ; key on a US standard keyboard.
OemTilde The ~ key on a US standard keyboard.
Space The space bar.

Subtract Subtract key Tab TAB key

numeric pad
value description
Numpad0 through Numpad9 The numpad number keys.
Add The + numpad key.
Subtract The - numpad key.
Divide The / numpad key.
Multiply The * numpad key.
NumLock The numeric lock, NUMLOCK, NUMLK, or NUM key.
control keys (above arrow keys)
value description
Delete The DEL key.
End The END key.
Insert The INS key.
PageDown, PageUp The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys.
Pause The PAUSE key.
PrintScreen The PRT SCR key.
Scroll The SCR LK key.
uncommon keys
value description
BrowserBack The browser back key.
BrowserFavorites The browser favorites key.
BrowserForward The browser forward key.
BrowserHome The browser start and home key.
BrowserRefresh The browser refresh key.
BrowserSearch The browser search key.
BrowserStop The browser stop key.
ChatPadGreen The green ChatPad key.
ChatPadOrange The orange ChatPad key.
Crsel The cursor select key.
Decimal The decimal key.
EraseEof The erase EOF key.
Execute The execute key.
Exsel The execute selection key.
Help The help key.
Home The home key.
ImeConvert The IME convert key.
ImeNoConvert The IME no-convert key.
Kana The Kana key on Japanese keyboards.
Kanji The Kanji key on Japanese keyboards.
LaunchApplication1 The Start Application 1 key.
LaunchApplication2 The Start Application 2 key.
LaunchMail The Start Mail key.
MediaNextTrack The Next Track key.
MediaPlayPause The Play/Pause Media key.
MediaPreviousTrack The Previous Track key.
MediaStop The Stop Media key.
Oem8 Varies by keyboard.
OemAuto OEM Auto key.
OemBackslash The The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard.
OemClear The OEM clear key.
OemCopy The OEM copy key.
OemEnlW The OEM Enlarge Window key.
PA1 The PA1 key.
Play The play key.
Print The PRINT key.
ProcessKey The IME process key.
Select The select key.
SelectMedia The select media key.
Separator The separator key.
Sleep The computer sleep key.
VolumeDown, VolumeUp The volume down/up keys.
VolumeMute The volume mute keys.
Zoom The zoom key.


Controller bindings are supported by mods using SMAPI 2.0+ features, and some older mods.

value description
ControllerA, ControllerB,
ControllerX, ControllerY
The main buttons.
ControllerBack The 'BACK' button on an XBox controller.
ControllerStart The 'START' button.
BigButton The 'big button' on the XBox Big Button controller.
DPadDown, DPadLeft
DPadRight, DPadUp
The directional pad buttons.
LeftShoulder, RightShoulder The bumper (shoulder) buttons.
LeftStick, RightStick The left/right thumbsticks when pressed as a button.
LeftThumbstickDown, LeftThumbstickLeft,
LeftThumbstickRight, LeftThumbstickUp
The left thumbstick when pushed in a direction.
LeftTrigger, RightTrigger The trigger buttons.
RightThumbstickDown, RightThumbstickLeft,
RightThumbstickRight, RightThumbstickUp
The right thumbstick when pushed in a direction.


Mouse bindings are supported by mods using SMAPI 2.0+ features.

value description
MouseLeft The left mouse button.
MouseRight The right mouse button.
MouseMiddle The middle mouse button.
MouseX1, MouseX2 The extended mouse buttons (varies by mouse).

For modders

These constants are part of the SMAPI input events, specifically SMAPI's SButton enum which unifies XNA's Buttons, Keys, and MouseState.