Template:Infobox fruit tree

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Revision as of 20:41, 2 April 2016 by Katzeus (talk | contribs)
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This template displays an infobox for fruit tree pages.


This template can be used by entering the following onto a relevant page. Do not use this on your user page. It is reserved for content pages.

{{Infobox fruit tree
|name       =
|image      = 
|sapling    = 
|altsapling =
|produce    =
|altproduce = 
|growth     = 
|season     = 
|price      =
|altprice   =


{{Infobox fruit tree
|name       = Tree name (optional - name of page if omitted)
|image      = 
|sapling    = Sapling that grows into the tree
|altsapling = Name of sapling in language other than English
|produce    = Name of fruit produced by mature tree
|altproduce = Name of produce in language other than English
|growth     = Growth time from planting to full maturity
|season     = What season does it produce fruit in?
|price      = Sell price if sapling is sold to Pierre
|altprice   = Sapling source, used for Ginger Island saplings

This template automatically calculates the purchase prices for Pierre's General Store and the Traveling Cart, based on the sell price entered in the template. The sell price can be found in Content\ObjectInformation.xnb.