Hi I’m a Stardew Valley fan and enthusiast and will sometimes make contributions to the Wiki! If help is needed always contact a Wiki admin first but if not available, I’m very happy to help. :)

Regular Schedule On School Days
7:00 AM Wakes up
8:30 AM Goes to school
3:30 PM Gets home and chills
6:00 PM Haves dinner
6:45 PM Chills again
10:00 PM Goes to sleep
Regular Schedule On Weekends And Holidays
7:00 AM Wakes Up
7:45 AM Chills on games and other necessary things
10:00 AM Does whatever he needs to do
2:00 PM Chills in his room again
6:00 PM Haves dinner
6:45 PM Yet again chills in his room
11:00 PM Goes to sleep

Also, if anyone plays Stardew Valley on Xbox and would like to play with me it would be great fun speaking with others who have the same interest as me and maybe get to know each other more. :) If so my gamer tag is SnakeBeast157.