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I need an edit to get me beyond the wiki newbie status (I hope it's 10 edits), even though I'm not really a newbie. [[User:Giles|Giles]] ([[User talk:Giles|talk]]) 21:59, 29 March 2021 (UTC)
I need an edit to get me beyond the wiki newbie status (I hope it's 10 edits), even though I'm not really a newbie. [[User:Giles|Giles]] ([[User talk:Giles|talk]]) 21:59, 29 March 2021 (UTC)
Hi. I'm now Giles. (I was Butterbur).
29 March 2021: I spent about three months away from Stardew Valley entirely, due to pressing personal affairs, and upon returning, found a new wiki in place, and my old account in need of re-activating. That's ok. I just decided a fresh start might be called for, as I have yet to run v1.5. My old username does not suit me any more, and I found a better one. "Giles" relates to a minor, relatively unknown story of J.R.R. Tolkien that lies outside the Middle Earth conception, yet is a fanciful tale of olden times. It is called "Farmer Giles of Ham", and it just seemed fitting for the fresh approach I intend to take with Stardew.
Short (slightly condensed) excerpts from the Tolkien story, which I think will not run afoul of any copyrights or limits. It was published in Britain in 1949, the U.S. in 1969, and may be difficult to find today.
"Aegidius Ahenobarbus Julius Agricola de Hammo was a man who lived in the midmost parts of the island of Britain. People were richly endowed with names in those days, now long ago. There was more time then, and folk were fewer, so that most were distinguished. However, those days are now over, so I will give the man his name shortly: he was Farmer Giles of Ham, and he had a red beard. Ham was only a village, but villages were proud and independent still in those days.
"Farmer Giles had a dog. The dog's name was Garm. Dogs had to be content with short names in the vernacular: the Book-latin was reserved for their betters. Garm could not talk even dog-latin; but he could use the vulgar tongue either to bully or to brag or to wheedle in. Bullying was for beggars and trespassers, bragging for other dogs, and wheedling for his master.
"The time was not one of hurry or bustle. But bustle has very little to do with business. [People] did their work without it; and they got through a deal both of work and of talk. There was plenty to talk about, for memorable events occurred very frequently. But at the moment, nothing memorable had, in fact, happened in Ham for quite a long time. Which suited Farmer Giles down to the ground: he was a slow sort of fellow, rather set in his ways, and taken up with his own affairs. He had his hands full (he said) keeping the wolf from the door: that is, keeping himself as fat and comfortable as his father before him. The dog was busy helping him. Neither of them gave much thought to the Wide World outside their fields, the village, and the nearest market."
Tolkien's olden times may have been something more like 1500 years ago, but it suits me to treat Stardew as somewhat ancient too, with just a very few later upgrades. However you approach it, may it give you as much pleasure.
