Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.4

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This page is for mod authors. Players: see Modding:Mod compatibility instead.

This page explains how to update your mods for compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.4. See also Modding:Migrate to SMAPI 3.0.


Possible breaking changes

Notable changes which may break SMAPI mods:

  • Various method signatures have changed, notably Item.canStackWith. In most cases just recompiling will fix those. (Don't forget to update the manifest.json version!)
  • Location lookups (e.g., using Game1.getLocationFromName) are now cached to improve performance. When removing or replacing a location, make sure to remove it from the cache too using Game1.removeLocationFromLocationLookup.
  • Some notable field/method changes:
    class field/method changes
    Farm shippingBin This field no longer exists. Use farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player) instead, which will return the global or personal shipping bin depending on the host settings.
    Farm shipItem(Item item) Removed; add directly to farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player) instead.
    Farmer money Replaced by Money, which handles shared/individual wallets for you.
    Game1 itemsToShip Removed; see farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player) or Game1.player.displayedShippedItems instead.
    Game1 getCharacterFromName(string name, bool mustBeVillager) The default for mustBeVillager changed from false to true, and added an overload to get a specific NPC type like Game1.getCharacterFromName<Pet>("petName", mustBeVillager: false).
    Game1 dailyLuck Use Game1.player.DailyLuck or as appropriate instead.
    Item getStack No longer exists; use Item.Stack instead.
    Item addToStack Now takes an Item reference instead of stack count, but otherwise equivalent (i.e., it returns the remaining stack count but doesn't change the item passed in).
    Pet wasPetToday Replaced by lastPetDay, which is the Game1.Date.TotalDays value when it was last pet by each player. To check if any player pet them today:
    private bool WasPetToday(Pet pet)
        NetLongDictionary<int, NetInt> lastPettedDays = ModEntry.ReflectionHelper.GetField<NetLongDictionary<int, NetInt>>(pet, "lastPetDay").GetValue();
        return lastPettedDays.Values.Any(day => day == Game1.Date.TotalDays);

    To check if the current player pet them today:

    private bool WasPetTodayByCurrentPlayer(Pet pet)
        NetLongDictionary<int, NetInt> lastPettedDays = ModEntry.ReflectionHelper.GetField<NetLongDictionary<int, NetInt>>(pet, "lastPetDay").GetValue();
        return lastPettedDays.TryGetValue(Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, out int lastDay) && lastDay == Game1.Date.TotalDays;
    ShopMenu itemPriceAndStock Changed from Dictionary<Item, int[]> to Dictionary<ISalable, int[]>, but otherwise equivalent. (Item implements ISalable.)
    ShopMenu forSale Changed from List<Item> to List<ISalable>, but otherwise equivalent. (Item implements ISalable.)
  • Mods previously checked if the current tool was a scythe with code like this:
    bool isScythe = tool.InitialParentTileIndex == MeleeWeapon.scythe;

    That's no longer reliable since there are two scythe items. Instead you can do this:

    bool isScythe = (tool as MeleeWeapon)?.isScythe() == true;

Other notable changes

These are changes which might be of interest to modders, but shouldn't break any mods.

  • See Modding wishlist#Done in Stardew Valley 1.4.
  • Added object context tags.
  • Paddy crops are a new type which gets a 25% growth bonus for being planted near water, including the new vanilla rice. (Currently Harmony is needed to flag a crop as a paddy crop.)
  • Added a GameLocation method to patch the location's map from another map file, and a method to force reload the map.
  • Added utility methods like Utility.CalculateMinutesUntilMorning, CalculateMinutesUntilMorning, ExpandRectangle, and GetOppositeFacingDirection.
  • Added Object.needsToBeDonated() helper method.
  • Added audio context to methods like Game1.changeMusicTrack. If the context changes, any audio playing for the current context will end automatically.
  • Added light context (similar to previous).
  • Added two new stats to Game1.stats: exMemoriesWiped and childrenTurnedToDoves.
  • Added option for invisible NPCs gone from the game temporarily (NPC.IsInvisible and NPC.daysUntilNotInvisible).
  • Added WindowLight map properties.
  • Added option for temporarily invisible/passable placed items (Object.isTemporarilyInvisible).
  • Added farmer.isUnclaimedFarmhand to distinguish a farmhand that hasn't been customised by a player yet.
  • Added kent option for the $d dialogue command.
  • Added %revealtaste dialogue token, which marks a gift taste revealed in the NPC profile.
  • Added %endearment and %endearmentlower dialogue tokens which returns a random choice from Pookie, Love, Hot Stuff, Cuddlebug, Hunky (male) or Peach (female), Cutie, Ducky, Handsome (male) or Darling (female), Sweetie, Dear, Honey, Hun, Sweetheart, or the player name.
  • Projectiles can now have a max travel distance.
  • The Category field is now part of Item, so code like (item as StardewValley.Object)?.Category can be rewritten as item.Category.

Debug command changes

This section is mainly intended for wiki maintainers; see Modding:Console commands for the general documentation.

  • Added macro support. Create a text file in the game folder like do_thing.txt with one chat debug command per line (like /seenmail ccMovieTheater or /warp Town 95 55), then enter debug rm do_thing to execute the commands.
  • All debug command names are now case-insensitive.
  • Many commands now allow partial matches (e.g., "Abig" will match "Abigail").
  • Added commands:
    • addHour
    • addMinute
    • addQuartz
    • allMailRead
    • animationPreviewTool/apt
    • broadcastMail
    • buff
    • clearBuffs
    • changeWallet
    • mergeWallets
    • clear
    • clothes
    • collectquest
    • crane
    • createDebris
    • createDino
    • dye
    • dyeShirt
    • dyePants
    • dyeAll
    • eventById / ebi
    • festival
    • frameByFrame / fbf
    • fuzzyItemNamed / fin / f
    • growWildTrees
    • inputSim / is
    • mineGame
    • oldMineGame
    • moveBuildingPermission / movepermission / mbp
    • movie
    • inviteMovie
    • junimoGoodbye
    • listTags
    • logBandwidth
    • maruComet
    • pauseTime
    • runMacro / rm
    • sleep / newDay / nd
    • pauseAnimals
    • unpauseAnimals
    • resetWorldState
    • separateWallets
    • showMail
    • tailor
    • tailorRecipeListTool / trlt
    • trashCan
    • warpToCharacter / wtc
    • warpToPlayer / wtp
  • Several commands now allow partial match for item, location, or NPC names:
    • clone
    • db
    • dialogue
    • engaged
    • faceDirection
    • facePlayer
    • friendship
    • hurry
    • junimoNote
    • loadDialogue
    • marry
    • sb
    • speech
    • warp
    • warpCharacter
    • warpCharacterTo
    • whereIs
  • Removed emote and fillWithPlacedObject.
  • f now aliases to fuzzyItemNamed instead of floor.

Content Patcher

Possible breaking changes

Notable changes which may break Content Patcher packs (and XNB mods):

  • The DivorceBook and MayorFridge tile actions now only work in Lewis' house.
  • See update impact below.

Other notable changes

These are changes which might be of interest to modders, but shouldn't break any mods.

  • The display name field is now used in English for the Data/BigCraftablesInformation and Data/ObjectInformation assets.
  • Added various tilesheets for new content.
  • Added cat/dog breeds. The Animals/cat and Animals/dog assets are for the base breeds, with two more assets each (e.g., Animals/cat1) for the other breeds.
  • Added an animation preview tool. This lets you preview player animations for your current character, optionally changing the hair/shirt/pants/gender. You can access it by entering debug animationPreviewTool or debug apt in the SMAPI console.
  • Added special after-wedding dialogue in Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, in the form {spouseName}_AfterWedding.
  • Added schedule commands: MAIL, no_schedule.
  • Event changes:
    • Added event preconditions: O npc_name (is married to NPC); L (has upgraded farmhouse); U day_count (no festivals within the specified number of days from the event).
    • Added commands: bgColor, emilyClothes, makeInvisible, marniepainting, marucomet, money, samboombox showItemsLost, tossConcession. Added new event reward samBoombox.
    • itemAboveHead now also accepts jukebox and samBoombox arguments argument.
    • awardFestivalPrize now also accepts emilyclothes, jukebox, marniepainting, and samBoombox arguments.

Update impact

Here's a summary of the XNB files which changed in Stardew Valley 1.4.


  • This ignores text changes in non-English files for simplicity.
  • New content files aren't listed, since they won't impact existing mods.
  • XNB mods are disproportionately affected, since they replace the entire file. Content Patcher packs are typically unaffected unless they replace the entire file (in which case see the XNB mod column).
  • I don't know what changed in affected map files (if anything), only that the files are different.


  • 'broken' means removing new content or potentially important changes, or potentially causing significant display bugs. This is a broad category — the game may work fine without it or crash, depending how it uses that specific content.
  • 'mostly unaffected' means mods will only be affected if they edit specific entries or fields.
  • Blank means zero expected impact.
content file changes XNB Content Patcher
Buildings/houses cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Buildings/Log Cabin redesigned ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
Buildings/Plank Cabin redesigned ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
Buildings/Stone Cabin redesigned ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
Characters/Abigail new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Alex new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Caroline new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Clint new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Demetrius new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dwarf new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Elliott new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Evelyn new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/George new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Gus new sprites in empty spots + new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Haley new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Harvey new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Jas new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Jodi new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Kent new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Krobus new sprites in new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Leah new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Lewis new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Linus new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken
Characters/Marnie new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Maru new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Pam new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Penny new sprites in new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Pierre new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Robin new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Sam new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Sandy new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Sebastian new sprites in empty spots + new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Shane new sprites in empty spots, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Wizard cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Abigail new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Alex new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Elliott new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Emily new content, changed one entry to track gift taste reveal ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Haley new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Harvey new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Jodi new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Krobus new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Krobus new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Leah new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Lewis changed one entry to track gift taste reveal ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Linus minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueAbigail fixed typo ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueAlex minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialoguePenny minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueSam minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Maru new content, minor changes ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Pam fixed typo ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Penny new content ✘ broken
Characters/Dialogue/Pierre minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Sam new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Dialogue/Shane new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Farmer/farmer_base significant changes ✘ broken ✘ broken
Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base significant changes ✘ broken ✘ broken
Characters/Farmer/hairstyles new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/Farmer/hats new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Farmer/shirts new sprites in new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Characters/Farmer/shoeColors new sprites in new area ✘ broken
Characters/schedules/Alex new content ✘ broken
Characters/schedules/Abigail added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Alex added sleep animation, new content, changed Sun schedule ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Caroline added sleep animation, changed schedules ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Clint added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Demetris added sleep animation, minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Elliott added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Emily added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/George added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Gus new content, added sleep animation ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Haley added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Harvey added sleep animation, fixed broken schedule ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Jas added sleep animation, new content ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Jodi added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Kent added sleep animation, new content, changed Sun schedule ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Leah added sleep animation, changed `summer` schedule, added `summer_noBridge` schedule ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Lewis added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Linus added sleep animation, adjusted sleep position ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Marnie added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Maru added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Pam added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Penny added sleep animation, changed default trailor position from 12 7 to 12 6 ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Pierre added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Robin added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Sam added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Sebastian added sleep animation ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
Characters/schedules/Shane added sleep animation, new content, significant changes ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
Characters/schedules/Vincent added sleep animation, new content ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Data/animationDescriptions new content ✘ broken
Data/BigCraftablesInformation new content, minor changes, added new field ✘ broken ✘ broken
Data/Blueprints new content, changed cabin entries ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Boots new content ✘ broken
Data/Bundles new content ✘ broken
Data/CookingRecipes new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/CraftingRecipes new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Crops new content ✘ broken
Data/EngagementDialogue new content ✘ broken
Data/eventConditions deleted
Data/ExtraDialogue new content, minor changes ✘ broken
Data/Furniture new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/hats new content ✘ broken
Data/Locations minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/mail new content, new field in most entries, fixed typos ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
Data/MineRooms deleted
Data/Monsters new content, added new drops for Grubs ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/NPCDispositions minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/NPCGiftTastes added new gift tastes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/ObjectInformation new content, format change for artifacts, minor changes, replaced some unused entries ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Quests new content, adjusted Aquatic Research reward ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/SecretNotes new content, changed multiple entries to track gift taste reveals ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
Data/weapons balance changes, minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/AnimalShop made events skippable ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/BathHouse_Pool made events skippable ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Beach minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/BusStop minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Farm new content, minor changes, bug fixes, made events skippable ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/FarmHouse new content, changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Forest new content ✘ broken
Data/Events/HaleyHouse minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Hospital minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/LeahHouse minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Mountain new content, changes, made events skippable ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Railroad minor changes, made events skippable ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Saloon new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/SamHouse minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/ScienceHouse minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/SebastianRoom minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/SeedShop minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Sewer fixed typo ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Town new content, changes, made events skippable ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Events/Beach made events skippable ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Festivals/fall16 minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/Festivals/spring24 minor(?) change to event script ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/TV/CookingChannel minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Data/TV/TipChannel minor changes; swapped days 60/64 and days 172/176 ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
LooseSprites/Cursors changes to many sprites, new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
LooseSprites/daybg redrawn ✘ will remove changes ✘ will remove changes
new sprites, significant changes ✘ broken ✘ likely broken
LooseSprites/JunimoNote new sprite in empty spot ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
LooseSprites/map new sprite in empty spot ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
LooseSprites/nightbg redrawn ✘ will remove changes ✘ will remove changes
LooseSprites/SeaMonster overhauled ✘ broken ✘ broken
LooseSprites/temporary_sprites_1 new sprites in empty spots, new areas ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
new tiles in new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken
Maps/ArchaeologyHouse unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Backwoods unknown changes ? ?
unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Club unknown changes ? ?
Maps/CommunityCenter_Joja unknown changes ? ?
Maps/CommunityCenter_Refurbished unknown changes ? ?
Maps/CommunityCenter_Ruins unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Deserts new content, unknown changes ? ?
Maps/ElliottHouse unknown changes ? ?
new tiles in new area, cosmetic changes to many tiles ✘ broken ✘ may remove cosmetic changes
Maps/Farm unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Farm_Combat unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Farm_Fishing unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Farm_Foraging unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Farm_Mining unknown changes ? ?
unknown changes ? ?
new tiles replace previous tiles ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Festivals new tiles in empty spaces ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Forest unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Forest-FlowerFestival unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Forest-IceFestival unknown changes ? ?
Maps/HaleyHouse unknown changes ? ?
Maps/ManorHouse unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Hospital unknown changes ? ?
Maps/JoshHouse unknown changes ? ?
Maps/MenuTiles new tiles in new area; replaced one tile ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/MenuTilesUncolored cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Mountain unknown changes ? ?
Maps/nightSceneMaru cosmetic fix ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Railroad unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Saloon unknown changes ? ?
Maps/SamHouse unknown changes ? ?
Maps/SeedShop added door to sun room, unknown changes ✘ broken ?
new tiles in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Shed unknown changes ? ?
Maps/spouseRooms new content, unknown changes ? ?
Maps/springobjects new tiles in empty spots, replaced unused sprite, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Town unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Town-Christmas unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Town-EggFestival unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Town-Fair new content, unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Town-Halloween unknown changes ? ?
new tiles in empty spot, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Trailer unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Trailer_big unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mine unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/6 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/7 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/13 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/14 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/19 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/26 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/28 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/31 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/34 unknown changes ? ?
Maps/Mines/37 unknown changes ? ?
new tiles in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
filled in empty area ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
replaced tile ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Mines/mine_desert_dark replaced tile, filled in empty tiles ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
filled in empty area ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Mines/mine_lava_dark filled in empty area ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Mines/mine_frost_dark filled in empty area ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Maps/Mines/mine_slime replaced tile ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
new tiles in new area, replaced unused tiles, moved some tiles to LooseSprites/Cursors2 ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Minigames/Clouds redesigned some clouds, removed a cloud ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Minigames/MineCart overhauled ✘ broken ✘ broken
Portraits/Elliott minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Portraits/Haley cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✘ will probably remove changes
Portraits/Krobus new content ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Portraits/Maru cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Portraits/Penny new tile in empty spot, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Portraits/Sam new tile in empty spot + new area, cosmetic changes ✘ broken ✘ will remove changes
Strings/Buildings new content ✘ broken
Strings/Characters new content ✘ broken
Strings/credits reordered, new content, changes ✘ broken ✘ broken
Strings/Events new content ✘ broken
Strings/Locations new content ✘ broken
Strings/Notes minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
Strings/StringsFromCSFiles new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Strings/StringsFromMaps new content, minor changes ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
Strings/UI new content, minor changes ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/Alex new content ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/George new content ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/Gus new content ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/Alex new content ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/Shane new content ✘ broken
Strings/schedules/spring/Penny deleted
TerrainFeatures/Flooring removed unused sprites, added new flooring, cosmetic changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
TerrainFeatures/hoeDirt new sprites in new area ✘ broken
TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtDark new sprites in new area ✘ broken
TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtSnow new sprites in new area ✘ broken
TerrainFeatures/mushroom_tree changed seed/sprout sprites ✘ will remove changes ✘ may remove changes
TerrainFeatures/Quartz resized ✘ broken ✘ broken
TileSheets/bushes new sprites in new area ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
TileSheets/Craftables minor changes, new sprites in empty spots + new areas ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
TileSheets/Critters new sprites ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected ✘ broken
TileSheets/crops new sprites in empty spots ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
TileSheets/projectiles minor changes ✘ will remove changes ✓ mostly unaffected
TileSheets/furniture minor changes, new sprites in empty spots + new areas, replaced some sprites ✘ broken ✘ may remove changes
TileSheets/tools new sprites in empty spots, replaced one sprite ✘ broken ✓ mostly unaffected
TileSheets/weapons new sprite in empty spot (unused?) ✘ broken? ✓ mostly unaffected