
Revision as of 11:21, 26 February 2016 by Prens (talk | contribs)

The game begins with the farmhouse having only one medium sized room, containing a single bed, a fireplace, an old TV, a table with a decorative bowl, a chair, one window, and a house plant. All except the fireplace can be moved at will. Flooring & Wallpaper are able to be changed using patterns bought from Pierre's or Joja Mart. Each new room added when upgrading can have it's own flooring and wallpaper patterns. New furniture can be added at any time.



Outdoor Image Indoor Image Cost Changes
File:HouseUpgrade.png 300px 10000g, 350 Wood Adds a kitchen, with a fridge that functions as a chest, and a kitchen counter that allows cooking. Adds a bedroom. Upgrades bed from single to double.
Outdoor Image Indoor Image Cost Changes
File:HouseUpgrade2.png File:HouseUpgradeIndoors2.png 50000g, 150 Hardwood Adds two new rooms, one empty, and one with a crib and two single beds, thus allowing you to have children. Kitchen is larger.