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copy from with permission, dual-licensed CC BY-NC-SA for compatibility with wiki. Main author is Pathoschild, with contributions from Kriana.

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title: Player's guide to using mods ยป install SMAPI
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Welcome to Stardew Valley modding! This guide will help you install mods and
fix any problems that come up.
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<strong>For players</strong>
<li><a href="/for-players/intro">Intro</a></li>
<li><strong>Install SMAPI</strong></li>
<li><a href="/for-players/use-mods">Use mods</a></li>
<li><a href="/for-players/faqs">Troubleshooting & FAQs</a></li>

SMAPI is the tool which launches the game with mods (which are [downloaded separately](#using-mods)).
It's safely installed alongside your normal game, and you can uninstall it anytime.

## Install SMAPI
### On Windows

### On Linux

### On Mac
1. Download the [latest version of SMAPI](
2. Extract the `.zip` file somewhere (but not in your game folder!).
3. Open a terminal in the extracted folder and run `mono install.exe`.
_Here's how: (1) open the Terminal app; (2) type `mono` then a space; (3) drag & drop the
`install.exe` file onto the Terminal window to paste its file path; (4) press enter on your
_(If you get an error like 'mono: command not found', you need to install
[Mono]( first.)_

That's it! Just launch the game to play with mods. To remove SMAPI later, run `mono install.exe`
again and choose _uninstall_.

### Manual install
The installer is the recommended way to install SMAPI, but you can also install it manually.

1. Download the [latest version of SMAPI](
2. Unzip the `.zip` file somewhere.
3. Copy the files from the `internal/Mono` folder (if Linux/Mac) or `internal/Windows` folder (if
Windows) into [your game folder]( If you did it
properly, the `StardewModdingAPI.exe` file should be right next to the game's executable.
4. Make sure the game launches with SMAPI.
* **Scenario A: you play on Windows:**
* **Scenario B: you play on Linux or Mac:**
1. Open the game folder.
2. Rename the `StardewValley` file (with no extension) to `StardewValley-original`.
3. Rename the `StardewModdingAPI` file (with no extension) to `StardewValley`.

## Update SMAPI
To update SMAPI, just install the new version. The installer will automatically clean up previous
versions. (If you use Steam, you don't need to set the launch options again.)

## Uninstall SMAPI
To remove SMAPI, just run `install.exe` again and choose _uninstall_. If you need to uninstall
manually, just do the opposite of _[manual install](#manual-install)_.

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<big><strong>next:</strong> <a href="/for-players/use-mods">Use mods โ†’</a></big>



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