Modding:Farmer sprite


Associated files location

All the sprites for the farmer are stored in "Content/Characters/Farmer". The main sprite for the male farmer is "farmer_base.xnb" and for the female farmer is "farmer_girl_base.xnb".


The farmer sprite is drawn in several layers. On the bottom layer is the head, torso, and boots. The clothing, accessories, hair, and others are all drawn in multiple layers on top in this order:

  1. Head/Torso/Boots - Bottom layer
  2. Pants
  3. Shirt
  4. Accessories (e.g., glasses, makeup, earrings, facial hair)
  5. Hair
  6. Hat
  7. Arms - Top layer

The placement of layers stored in other files (such as the height of a shirt on the body) is dependent upon the animation, and cannot be modified by editing png files other than by shifting the accessory within its frame.

Farmer (girl) base

The farmer base sprite is divided into three sections. The Head/Torso/Boots layer are in the six columns on the far left. The pants are in the six columns on the far right. And the arms make up the central 12 columns. Each sprite is 16 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall.

The sorting of the sprites seems to be fairly logical with the six pants on the top row lining up with the six torsos on the top row, and similarly all the way down.

With the default shirts and pants, it is unnecessary to have a full torso drawn since the shirts cover most of it up. The pants cover up all of where the legs would go on the torso layer too. However, with mods that add more clothing options for shirts and pants, it can be necessary to have more torso drawn and legs added to the base farmer layer.

Color palette

When editing the farmer base, it is important to use the appropriate color palettes. The game identifies skin, eyes, boots, pants, arms, and shirt sleeves in the farmer base using the color. The game recolors these depending upon the options chosen during character creation and the color of the boots being worn.

Shirt size difference

Although the torso can be up to 16 pixels wide, shirts (which are stored in a separate file) are only 8x8 and unable to fully-cover a torso wider than that. The Hats, Accessories, and Pants all give full 16-pixel wide columns for covering the head and legs, though.

Hats and Hairstyles

The farmer's hairstyle will sometimes change when a hat is equipped.source

  • Hairstyle 3 will change to hairstyle 11
  • Hairstyles 22 and 26 will change to hairstyle 7.
  • Hairstyles 18, 19, 21, and 31 will change to hairstyle 23
  • Hairstyles 0, 2, 4, 7(?), 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 will change to hairstyle 30.
  • Hairstyles 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, and 30 will not change.

Note: It seems strange that hairstyle 7 would change to 30, so it may actually stay the same.

Sprite Index Breakdown

As mentioned above, the pants, head/torso/boots, and arms all appear to line up. As all of the following information was tested specifically for pants, the illustrations will cover pants, but it most likely also covers head/torso/boots and arms.


The notation used here is R1F1 = Row 1 Frame 1
, and so on. In the code (which is located in FarmerSprite.cs), frame numbers are 0-indexed and go in order. The code notation is provided after the Row-Frame notation, with duration of each frame (in milliseconds) specified by the number after the @ symbol. For example, 1@60 is the Row 1, Frame 2 frame for duration 60.

In these notes, down refers to the farmer facing downwards (towards the screen), while up refers to the farmer facing upwards (away from the screen). Left and right are from the perspective of the player (screen left/screen right). As the left and right animations are universally mirror images of each other, they are always combined. The player facing to the right is the unflipped sprite, while facing left is flipped.

For the accompanying images, as they are quite large, they are displayed at small size, but if you click through you can see them larger. The male farmer side is greyed out, as this analysis was conducted with the female farmer base, but it should be exactly analogous. There is an extra small sprite at the bottom for the pants item inventory sprite.

Farmer Movement


Walking, down: R1F1, R1F2, R1F1, R1F3, repeat (frame indexes 0@200, 1@200, 0@200, 2@200, repeat)

Walking, left and right: R2F1, R2F2, R2F1, R2F3, repeat (frame indexes 6@200, 7@200, 6@200, 8@200, repeat)

Walking, up: R3F1, R3F2, R3F1, R3F3, repeat (frame indexes 12@200, 13@200, 12@200, 14@200, repeat)



Running, down: R1F1, R1F2, R4F1, R1F2, R1F1, R1F3, R4F2, R1F3, repeat (frame indexes 0@90, 1@60, 18@120, 1@60, 0@90, 2@60, 19@120, 2@60, repeat)

Running, left and right: R2F1, R4F4, R3F6, R2F1, R4F3, R2F6, repeat (frame indexes 6@90, 21@140, 17@100, 6@90, 20@140, 11@100, repeat)

Running, up: R3F1, R3F2, R4F5, R3F2, R3F1, R3F3, R4F6, R3F3, repeat (frame indexes 12@90, 13@60, 22@120, 13@60, 12@90, 14@60, 23@120, 14@60, repeat)



Harvesting down: R10F1, R10F2, R10F3, R10F4 (frame indexes 54@100, 55@100, 56@100, 57@100)

Harvesting left and right: R10F5, R10F6, R11F1, R11F2 (frame indexes 58@100, 59@100, 60@100, 61@100)

Harvesting up: R11F3, R11F4, R11F5, R11F6 (frame indexes 62@100, 63@100, 64@100, 65@100)


Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking always take place with the farmer facing the screen (down).

Eating: R15F1, R15F2, R15F3, R15F4, R15F5, R15F4, R15F5, R15F4 (frame indexes 84@250, 85@400, 86@401, 87@250, 88@250, 87@250, 88@250, 87@250, 0@250)

Note: stardrops hold frame 84 for 1000 instead.


Drinking: R16F1, R16F2, R16F3, R16F4, R16F3, R16F4, R16F3, R16F4, R16F2, R16F1 (frame indexes 90@250, 91@150, 92@250, 93@200, 92@250, 93@200, 92@250, 93@200, 91@250, 90@50)


Horse Riding

Horse riding down: R18F6 (frame index 107)

Horse riding left/right: R18F5 (frame index 106)

Horse riding up: R19F6 (frame index 113)



Sitting down: R18F6 (frame index 107)

Sitting left and right: R20F4 (frame index 117)

Sitting up: R19F6 (frame index 113)


Farmer Basic Tool and Weapon Use

Heavy Tools

Note: all frames are sped up by a factor of 0.66 when the Swift enchantment is applied to the tool. The second to last frame (frame 69, or 51, or ) is held for an additional 30*toolPower, where toolPower reflects the level of the held-down upgraded hoe or watering can (ex. showing 3 squares = level 1). This is all very fiddly and annoying.

Axe/pickaxe/hoe/club special down: R12F1, R12F2, R12F3, R12F4, R12F5, cycles once (frame indexes 66@150, 67@40, 68@40, 69@170, 70@75)

Upgraded hoe held down: R12F1 (until highlighted tiles show up), R13F3 (until increases >3 tiles), R13F4 (until releases), then the normal tool animation (frame indexes 66, 74, 75)

Axe/pickaxe/hoe/club special left and right: R9F1, R9F2, R9F3, R9F4, R9F5, cycles once (frame indexes 48@100, 49@40, 50@40, 51@220, 52@75)

Upgraded hoe held left and right: R9F1 (until highlighted tiles show up), R13F1 (until increases >3 tiles), R13F2 (until releases), then the normal tool animation (frame indexes 48, 72, 73)

Axe/pickaxe/hoe/club special up: R7F1, R7F2, R7F3, R11F4, R11F3, cycles once (frame indexes 36@100, 37@40, 38@40, 63@220, 62@75)

Upgraded hoe held up: R7F1 (until highlighted tiles show up), R13F5 (until increases >3 tiles), R13F6 (until releases), then the normal tool animation (frame indexes 36, 76, 77)


Scythe/Melee Weapons

Scythe/melee down: R5F1, R5F2, R5F3, R5F4, R5F5, R5F6, cycles once

Scythe/melee left and right: R6F1, R6F2, R6F3, R6F4, R6F5, R6F6, cycles once

Scythe/melee up: R7F1, R7F2, R7F3, R7F4, R7F5, R7F6, cycles once


Watering Can

Watering down: R10F1, R10F2, R5F2, cycles once

Watering left and right: R10F5, R10F6, R8F4, cycles once

Watering up: R11F3, R11F4, R8F5, cycles once


Sword Block

Sword sp. down: R5F5, held

Sword sp. left and right: R6F5, held

Sword sp. up: R7F5, held



Note: I think the slingshot arms are weird. They certainly look weird, and I think they break the normal grid pattern.

Slingshot down: R8F1

Slingshot left and right: R8F2

Slingshot up: R8F3




This is when the farmer is throwing out a line (holding down the mouse while the bar over the farmer's head fills/shrinks), plus the animation right after the mouse is un-pressed.

Casting down: R12F1, held, then rest of heavy tool animation

Casting left and right: R9F1, held, then R9F2, R9F3, R9F4, R9F5

Casting up: R15F5, held, then R7F3, R11F4, R11F3, repeat last two



This is when the farmer has a line out, and is waiting for a bite.

Fishing down: R12F5, held

Fishing left and right: R15F6, held

Fishing up: R8F3, held



This is when the farmer is playing the minigame.

Reeling down: R12F1, held

Reeling left and right: R9F1, held

Reeling up: R7F1, held


Fish Caught

This is after the player has caught a fish, going from the reeling position to holding up a fish for display.

Fish caught down: R13F3, R10F4, R15F1 Fish caught left and right: R13F1, then farmer switches to down R10F4, R15F1 Fish caught up: R13F5, then farmer switches to down, R10F4, R15F1


Farmer Other Tool Use


Panning only ever occurs with the farmer facing down (towards the screen).

Panning down: R21F4, R21F5, R21F4, R21F6, repeat 3x, R21F4, R21F5, R21F4



Milking down: R10F1, R10F2, repeats twice total

Milking left/right: R10F5, R10F6, repeats twice total

Milking up: R11F3, R11F4, repeats twice total



Shearing down: R14F1, R14F2, repeats twice total

Shearing left/right: R14F3, R14F4, repeats twice total

Shearing up: R14F5, R14F6, repeats twice total


Farmer Miscellaneous Movement

Passing Out

This seems to be the same animation both for passing out due to low energy, passing out due to 2:00 AM, and passing out due to low health, but I have not confirmed the last one.

Passing out: R3F5, R1F1, R3F5, R1F5, R1F6



This occurs after eating something poisonous, as well as in a couple cutscenes. It always occurs facing down.

Nausea: R18F3, R18F4, repeat several times



This is used in the wedding, for kissing your spouse, and in a couple cutscenes.

Kissing: R17F6


Flower Dance

You can either be facing down or up, depending on which NPCs you ask to dance.

Flower dance down: R1F1, R1F5, repeat, R1F1, R1F4, repeat

Flower dance up: R3F1, R3F2, R3F1, R3F3, repeat at various speeds


Bathing Suit

Each pants .png has its own bathing suit so that the bathing suit color reflects the pants color.

Bathing suit walking down: R19F1, R19F2, R19F1, R19F3

Bathing suit walking left/right: R20F1, R20F2, R20F1, R20F3

Bathing suit walking up: R21F1, R21F2, R21F1, R21F3


Farmer in Cutscenes

There are a variety of farmer frames and animations that are used in different cutscenes. Many of them are used in more than one cutscene, but a few are specific. Here, absolute frame numbers are used instead of the row/frame notation.

Reaching (used in Haley darkroom, George remote events): 15

Sitting down, sad (used in Alex sad mother event): 95

Looking sad/pensive (used in Abigail video game failure): 96

Head scratching/looking sheepish (used in Abigail video game event, several others): 97

Playing the harp (used in Abigail flute scene): 98, 99, 100

Laughing (used in various cutscenes): 102, 103

Opening a jar (used in Haley jar event): 111, 112


Unknown Frames

There are 4 frames I was not able to identify, shown below including the head/torso/boots and arms, along with the frame index.