Talk:Ginger Island


I just consolidated Island West slightly - I moved info about the green duggy and the shipwreck into the beach section. Overall, I'm trying to decide if some of these topics warrant their own pages. For example, Gourmand - I'd love to make a page with a screenshot of his cave, as well as info about fishing in his pond, the Gourmand statue, and maybe quotes. That might not be enough for a full page; however, adding specifics like this to every one of the island sections here would make this page more unwieldly. In my head, the Island North section is what "good" looks like - brief details, but then links to main pages for areas/topics. Any thoughts? The two changes I've been specifically thinking about how to add are Gourmand and then more specifics about the Mushroom Cave (e.g. items and frequency). I'll probably sandbox some stuff to work through what might make sense, but wanted to see if anyone feels strongly one way or the other. Efarn (talk) 02:44, 17 March 2021 (UTC)

I agree that this article, being about a HUGE central topic, is best served by concise introductory remarks and tons of links to the wide variety of details subjects, small or large as those other subjects may be. I also agree that the Island North section is currently a good example of what that might look like. I am going to make a couple of edits to that section that I think would make it better, though. It currently contains a couple of lists of items (for Island Trader and Mountain Quarry). Both those subtopics already have their own articles, and I would suggest that the lists belong there, not here. Instead, I will substitute a short suggestive language that can lead the reader to click the related articles if they want more. This way, more details (even such as lists) may be made explicit elsewhere, and only once on the wiki. The governing thought here is to lead the reader to the details, but to keep those details from being replicated and needing multiple points of correction or update if maintenance proves necessary. Giles (talk) 19:51, 17 April 2021 (UTC)

Qi Gem Availability

The Qi Gem article states (at the bottom of the rewards table) that these items become available only after Ginger Island is "fully upgraded". What exactly does that mean? It might be good to describe in detail, and I think this would be the best article to put that information in. Then we would see here just what all the different upgrades to the island are, listed and located, with plenty of pointers for the most detailed info. That info could also be conveniently pointed to from Qi Gem and any other article that may want such a reference. Merely creating it could also point out any current info this article may be missing, thus making this article more readily maintainable. Giles (talk) 19:58, 17 April 2021 (UTC)

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