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New Editing

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I'm Spider, not necessarily new to Stardew, but very interested in code. After tearing apart some of the Game Code and Data\(files), I've found some inconsistencies in the wiki that I'm hoping to fix while working on my own interactive guide. Please use or create new topics

Project for you?

Simply put: which dialogue portrait is used when a villager is gifted a loved/liked/neutral/disliked/hated item?

The English wiki doesn't match any other language's wiki because the EN wiki was updated after v1.5. Based on memory, the main change was from "Angry" or "Annoyed" to "Concerned" portraits for hated gifts. Perhaps also from "Concerned" to "Neutral" portraits for neutral gifts. Something like that.

I tried to verify the changes in-game, but in some cases the neutral portrait is almost indistinguishable from the standard portrait. I started to dig into the game code, but ran out of time when more pressing things came up.

Areas to research:

You can look at a villager's page history or compare the page in English with the page in another language to see the differences in portraits used in the "Gifts" section of the page.

I guess that's it, if you have any questions at all, please leave a comment here. If I've forgot anything, apologies! And, there's no pressure at all, you can ignore this completely if you wish for whatever reason, no problem.

Thanks!! margotbean (talk) 19:59, 9 November 2022 (UTC)

My main question is: When you say Standard Portrait, what are you referring to? Wouldn't the Neutral portrait always be their "standard"? I notice on Abigail, the Abigail Neutral.png is actually her $6, where Neutral is $0 (Abigail.png). Caroline Neutral.png is actually Caroline Unique $3 (her unique is her angry). That being said... I've tested Loved, Liked, Neutral, Dislike, and Hated gifts on all giftable NPCs and referencing Game\Portraits and have a clear idea of what's happening and can make progress tomorrow. I have notes so I can get to work on this tomorrow pending your go-ahead. There's a lot so bear with me...
Many Category:NPC_images are inconsistent. Many have a (NPC) Neutral.png which is $3, $6, etc. Some have labels of (NPC) Neutral.png and some are just (NPC).png. There are numerous inconsistencies regarding Romanceable and Non-romanceable characters in regard to the $3+ naming conventions, as characters like Demetrius Annoyed.png would be a romanceable character’s $4/$L. My recommendations, should you allow me:
Come up with a standardized naming convention
  • Either label all “Standard” images as "Neutral" or remove "Neutral" from all “Standard” images. These two should be one and the same. I would personally include Neutral for all.
  • Label ALL images with it’s respective $# symbol so people looking at Category:NPC_images in the future can discern which image in Game\Portraits is the one being referenced. Thinking something like Abigail Neutral $0.png, Abigail Neutral $k.png, or swap the "$" for an "S" if the wiki doesn’t like it. Perhaps even $0 Abigal Neutral.png to keep images in order since the wiki auto-alphabetizes.
  • Since "$0", "$1", and "$2" are ALWAYS consistently Neutral, Happy, and Sad, label the images as such and remove the Concerned tag for "$2". Similarly, for romanceable characters we should continue the normal naming convention of "Unique" for "$3", "Love" for "$4" (removing blush), and "Anger" for "$5" (removing annoyed). This would be in line with the code found at Lines 13:23 of Game::Dialogue.cs. Exception to this could be "Unique/$3/$u".
  • For non-romanceable characters, continue the "$0", "$1", and "$2" naming convention and label everything else as best suited by the image. For example, Kent’s "Angry" is in the "Unique/$3/$u" slot, but it makes much more sense for it to be "Angry". Some characters have an "Annoyed" and "Angry", and some characters like Dwarf and Wizard only have 1 or 2 images.
  • We should include all images from the file at Game\Portraits even if they are duplicates and they should follow the naming convention above.
My gift testing concluded (Dwarf always uses Neutral/$0/$k):
  • Love always uses Happy/$1/$h except - Evelyn uses Neutral OR $3 (same image)
  • Like always uses Happy/$1/$h.
  • Neutral always uses Neutral. Some weird pieces occur:
  • Maru’s $0 and $7 are the same
  • Penny’s $0, $5, and $8 are the same
  • Sandy’s $0 and $3 are the same
  • Elliot’s $0, $3, and $6 are the same
  • Harvey’s $0, $6, and $10 are the same
  • Sebastian’s $0, $3, and $6 are the same
  • Dislike always uses Concerned/Sad/$2/$s
  • Hate always uses Concerned/Sad/$2/$s except - Pam uses Unique/$3/$u (in wiki as Anger)
With your approval, I can start work on this tomorrow, or respond to a specific bullet point and we can brainstorm. I would comb through the page of each NPC to verify the "Standard", Gifts, and Portraits (which I would not include duplicates from Game\Portraits') are all displaying correctly (and in order). I have familiarized myself with the image upload and re-upload process as well. I have sourced information from game testing, Game\Portraits, and Game::Dialogue.cs, and received some insight via the SDV Discord regarding "hardcoding" which utilizes the image labelled Portraits.png below and loads the correct Portrait from Game\Portraits. I have a 4-page word doc of notes and things to fix in Category:NPC_images first, then once this is corrected, I can correctly label NPC Gifts without having to go back to each Category:NPC_images page to verify I'm grabbing the right file. Would be much easier to look at my Excel sheet and say "oh, x's Like is (NPC) Happy.png" rather than hunting down which one is correct. Spiderkace (talk) 05:32, 10 November 2022 (UTC)
Allow me to say "Wow".
Unfortunately, the EN wiki is the image repository for all languages, so a change made in English affects up to 11 other languages. Image renaming is a hard "no", unfortunately.
What I need is a verification of whether or not the correct portrait is displayed for the 5 gift preferences for each giftable villager on the EN wiki, and if not, change it. If so, carry the changes to the other 11 languages. (It's fine to skip pages that aren't created in other languages yet.)
If you can't/don't care to figure out which existing (perhaps oddly named) image is the "correct" one, then I understand completely, but that's the end of the project.
How about adding the alternate farm maps to all fish pages first? margotbean (talk) 20:22, 10 November 2022 (UTC)