Modding:Mod compatibility

Revision as of 00:13, 19 July 2017 by Pathoschild (talk | contribs) (+ migration status chart)


SMAPI 2.0 lets mods do much more, but it no longer supports old deprecated APIs. Any mods which still have deprecation warnings won't work in SMAPI 2.0, which will release in Q4 2017. Those mods will still work fine until then.

What to do

  1. For each mod you have installed:
    • If it's listed below, follow the instructions for that mod to update it.
    • Otherwise, update to its latest version.
  2. If a mod is still failing, post a message in the SMAPI 2.0 migration thread and we'll help. Make sure to attach your SMAPI log after trying the mod.

SMAPI mods

Here's a list of mods tested with SMAPI 2.0.

  1. This only shows whether a mod is compatible; it may have bugs unrelated to SMAPI 2.0. Many mods broke in Stardew Valley 1.1 and 1.2, so 'broken' doesn't necessarily mean broken by SMAPI 2.0 itself.

Migration status

52% are compatible.
10% can be replaced with a working alternative.
23% have an update coming soon.
15% are currently broken (many due to Stardew Valley 1.1 or 1.2) and not open-source. Some of these may be updated by their authors.

What about mods not listed here?

Most mods should work fine with SMAPI 2.0. Make sure you update to their latest version.

For players: If a mod stopped working and updating it didn't help, post a message in the SMAPI 2.0 migration thread and I'll help you figure it out. If the mod is incompatible, I'll let the author know, submit a pull request if the code is available, and possibly create an unofficial update if needed.

For mod authors: see how to update deprecated code or come chat in #modding on Discord (a preview version of SMAPI 2.0 is also available there to test your mods). Don't have time to update your mods? Post a message in the SMAPI 2.0 migration thread and I'll update them for you. :)