Modding:Mod compatibility/barchart

< Modding:Mod compatibility
Revision as of 14:17, 3 May 2018 by Pathoschild (talk | contribs) (update script for 'optional' status)
0% are compatible or have a working alternative.
0% have an update coming soon.
0% are broken and not open-source.¹

¹ Many of these broke in Stardew Valley 1.1 or 1.2. Some may be updated by their authors.


List the counts for each group:

  |ok         = 135
  |workaround = 33
  |soon       = 56
  |broken     = 33
  |total      = 257


This tiny script generates the template call when run from the parent page.

var entries = $("#mod-list tr[data-status]");
var ok = entries.filter("[data-status='ok'], [data-status='optional']").length;
var workaround = entries.filter("[data-status='workaround'], [data-status='obsolete']").length;
var soon = entries.filter("[data-status='broken'][data-has-source], [data-status='soon-official']").length;
var broken = entries.filter("[data-status='broken']:not([data-has-source])").length;
var total = ok + workaround + soon + broken;

if (total != entries.length)
   throw 'found entries with unknown status.';

  |ok         = ${ok}
  |workaround = ${workaround}
  |soon       = ${soon}
  |broken     = ${broken}
  |total      = ${total}