Difference between revisions of "Modding:Movie theater data"

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(→‎Concession data: add info from Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.6 (main author Pathoschild, with formatting fixes by BarleyZP))
Line 753: Line 753:
| <samp>ID</samp>
| <samp>ID</samp>
| Counting from 0, what number concession this is in the list.
| A [[Modding:Common_data_field_types#Unique_string_ID|unique string ID]] to identify this entry.
| <samp>Name</samp>
| <samp>Name</samp>
Line 769: Line 769:
| <samp>ItemTags</samp>
| <samp>ItemTags</samp>
| A list of tags which describe the concession, used to determine an NPC's reaction to it. Can be any arbitrary string; the ones currently used in the game are: <samp>Sweet</samp>, <samp>Candy</samp>, <samp>Drink</samp>, <samp>Hot</samp>, <samp>Healthy</samp>, <samp>Cold</samp>, <samp>Joja</samp>, <samp>Sour</samp>, <samp>Fatty</samp>, <samp>Salty</samp>, <samp>Sandwich</samp>, <samp>Burger</samp>, and <samp>Gourmet</samp>.
| A list of tags which describe the concession, used to determine an NPC's reaction to it. Can be any arbitrary string; the ones currently used in the game are: <samp>Sweet</samp>, <samp>Candy</samp>, <samp>Drink</samp>, <samp>Hot</samp>, <samp>Healthy</samp>, <samp>Cold</samp>, <samp>Joja</samp>, <samp>Sour</samp>, <samp>Fatty</samp>, <samp>Salty</samp>, <samp>Sandwich</samp>, <samp>Burger</samp>, and <samp>Gourmet</samp>.
| <samp>Texture</samp>
| The asset name for the texture containing the concession's sprite.
| <samp>SpriteIndex</samp>
| The index within the <samp>Texture</samp> for the concession sprite, where 0 is the top-left sprite.
For example, this content pack adds a new 'Pufferchick Pop' concession with a custom image:
    "Format": "</nowiki>{{Content Patcher version}}<nowiki>",
    "Changes": [
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/Concessions",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop": {
                    "Id": "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop",  // must specify ID again when creating a new entry
                    "Name": "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop", // best practice to match the ID, since it's sometimes used as an alternate ID
                    "DisplayName": "Pufferchick Pop",
                    "Description": "A cute cake pop shaped like a pufferchick.",
                    "Price": 25,
                    "Texture": "{{InternalAssetKey: assets/pufferchick-pop.png}}" // an image in your content pack
                    "SpriteIndex": 0
== Concession tastes ==
== Concession tastes ==

Revision as of 03:41, 5 June 2024


This page explains how the files associated with the Movie Theater, what each of them do, and how they are formatted. This is an advanced guide for mod developers.

Movie data

Data\Movies.xnb contains the data for all movies, including their names, descriptions, genre tags, scenes, and dialogue and narration spoken within the film. For reference, below is the raw data of "The Brave Little Sapling":

  "spring_movie_0": {
    "ID": null,
    "SheetIndex": 0,
    "Title": "The Brave Little Sapling",
    "Description": "An animated family comedy about a little sprout on a magical adventure to become a tree!",
    "Tags": [
    "Scenes": [
        "Image": 0,
        "Music": "sweet",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 1000,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "The Brave Little Sapling",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": null,
        "ID": "spring0_0"
        "Image": 1,
        "Music": "",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 500,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "The brave little sapling is leaving his home. He hesitates for a moment and turns around, knowing he won't be back for a long time...",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": null,
        "ID": "spring0_1"
        "Image": 6,
        "Music": "",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 500,
        "Script": "/playSound dustMeep/pause 200/playSound dustMeep/pause 300/playSound dustMeep/pause 100/playSound dustMeep/pause 200/playSound dustMeep",
        "Text": "The other saplings of his grove are gathered at the edge of town, excitedly waving their twigs goodbye...!",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": "sprout_leave",
        "ID": "spring0_2"
        "Image": 2,
        "Music": "rain",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 500,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "Oh no! Out of nowhere, it starts raining...! The little sapling goes into a sprint as thunderclouds loom overhead...",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": "",
        "ID": "spring0_3"
        "Image": 3,
        "Music": "",
        "Sound": "thunder",
        "MessageDelay": 1000,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "Fearing for his life, and demoralized by the relentless downpour, the brave little sapling begins to lose hope...",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": "",
        "ID": "spring0_4"
        "Image": 4,
        "Music": "echos",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 500,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "...But what's this...? The sapling feels a tingling on the top of his head... ",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": null,
        "ID": "spring0_5"
        "Image": 5,
        "Music": "",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 500,
        "Script": "/playSound coin/pause 1000/message \"Perhaps a little rain was what it needed to begin its journey into becoming a tree!\"",
        "Text": "",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": "",
        "ID": "spring0_6"
        "Image": 7,
        "Music": "",
        "Sound": "",
        "MessageDelay": 2000,
        "Script": "",
        "Text": "Farewell, little buddy!",
        "Shake": false,
        "ResponsePoint": null,
        "ID": "spring0_7"


Each movie's specific entry begins with an identifier of the form <season>_movie_<number>, where <season> is the season in which it will be screened, and <number> is either 0 or 1. The movie theater will alternate between screening the #0 movie and #1 movie in the given season each year.

The main block of movie data contains the following:

key format description
ID Always null. Purpose unknown.
SheetIndex Determines where the game looks for the movie's scene sprites within LooseSprites\Movies.xnb.
Title The title of the film.
Description The description of the film, seen when interacting with its poster outside of the theater.
Tags A list of genres that apply to the movie, used to calculate an NPC's reaction to a movie. Can be any arbitrary string; the ones currently used in the game are: family, comedy, horror, art, action, sci-fi, classic, romance, and documentary.
Scenes A list of data blocks for the film's scenes. (See below.)


The Scenes is a list of blocks, each corresponding to a specific scene in the movie. The blocks are listed in chronological order, and the data of each one is as follows:

key format description
Image Which image to show within the sequence of the movie's sprites in LooseSprites\Movies.xnb.
Music The music track to play during the scene. Can be left blank.
Sound The sound effect to play during the scene. Can be left blank.
MessageDelay How long to hold the scene before displaying any text.
Script Used for special visual/auditory effects. Written in the same format as Modding:Event_data#Event_scripts.
Text The dialogue/narration of the scene.
Shake A boolean value which, if true, adds screen-shake.
ResponsePoint If specified, an NPC's reaction data can reference the scene by this name in order to have a specific, timed reaction to it.
ID An ID for the scene in the format of <season><number>_<index>. <season> and <number> are identical to those values in the ID of the movie itself. <index> is, counting from 0, what number scene this is in the movie.

Movie reactions

Data\MoviesReactions.xnb contains every NPC's taste in movies and their dialogue in response to them. For reference, below is the raw data for Penny's reactions:

    "NPCName": "Penny",
    "Reactions": [
        "Tag": "*",
        "Response": "love",
        "Whitelist": [
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Watching a movie with mom sure brings me back!"
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "/message \"(Pam and Penny are watching intently!)\"",
            "Text": ""
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "It's great to be able to do things as a family again!"
        "ID": "reaction_0"
        "Tag": "spring_movie_0",
        "Response": "love",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I'm looking forward to this! Jas and Vincent have been talking about it non-stop."
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": "sprout_leave",
            "Script": "/shake Penny 3000/pause 500/message \"Penny seems to be holding back some tears...\"",
            "Text": "Wow, it must be really hard leaving his family like that...$s"
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Thanks for taking me to this, I can't wait to tell the kids how good it was!"
        "ID": "reaction_1"
        "Tag": "spring_movie_0",
        "Response": "love",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": null,
        "ID": "reaction_2"
        "Tag": "family",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Oh, '{0}'! This looks wholesome and fun!"
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "/message \"(Penny is smiling)\"",
            "Text": ""
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I should totally bring the kids to see this sometime!"
        "ID": "reaction_3"
        "Tag": "comedy",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I'm excited, I'm in the mood for a good laugh!"
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Did they just...?! Hahahaha!"
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Whew, I've got a cramp from all that laughing...!"
        "ID": "reaction_4"
        "Tag": "horror",
        "Response": "dislike",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I'm a little nervous... I don't usually watch scary movies.$s"
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "/shake Penny 3000/pause 500/emote Penny 28",
            "Text": "I can't look...$s"
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I hope I don't have nightmares tonight!$s"
        "ID": "reaction_5"
        "Tag": "love",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Oooh, I've been dying to see this!"
          "DuringMovie": null,
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Amazing! I hope they make another one!"
        "ID": "reaction_6"
        "Tag": "like",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Hey, I've heard some good things about this one!"
          "DuringMovie": null,
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "That was great! Thanks for seeing this with me!"
        "ID": "reaction_7"
        "Tag": "dislike",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I can't say I would've picked this one myself, but I'll try to keep an open mind..."
          "DuringMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "..."
          "AfterMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Sorry if I ruined the movie for you, it just wasn't really my favorite..."
        "ID": "reaction_8"
        "Tag": "seen_love",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Ooh, '{0}'! I saw this one with {2}!"
          "DuringMovie": null,
          "AfterMovie": null
        "ID": "reaction_9"
        "Tag": "seen_like",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "I saw this with {2}, it was pretty good!"
          "DuringMovie": null,
          "AfterMovie": null
        "ID": "reaction_10"
        "Tag": "seen_dislike",
        "Response": "like",
        "Whitelist": [],
        "SpecialResponses": {
          "BeforeMovie": {
            "ResponsePoint": null,
            "Script": "",
            "Text": "Hmm, I think {2} took me to see this..."
          "DuringMovie": null,
          "AfterMovie": null
        "ID": "reaction_11"


Each block of data within the file begins with an NPCName key, which is the name of the NPC to whom the rest of the data in the block will apply. This is followed by a list with the key Reactions. Each block within this list is the data for an NPC's response to a specific type of movie.

The data within each block is formatted as follows:

key format description
Tag Which category of movie this response is for. In decreasing order of specificity, this can be:
  • *, in which case the response will always be applicable, unless there are other restrictions applied by Whitelist
  • a genre of movie, as listed in the Tags field of a film's data
  • the NPC's reaction to a movie, one of love, like, or dislike. Can be prefixed with seen_, in which case the reaction will only apply if the NPC has seen the film before.
  • a specific movie's identifier, as listed at the header of its block. (i.e. spring_movie_0 for "The Brave Little Sapling")
Response One of love, like, or dislike. Used to calculate Friendship points gained with the NPC. A loved movie earns 200 Friendship points with the NPC, a liked movie earns 100 Friendship points, and a disliked movie neither earns nor costs friendship points with the NPC.
Whitelist A list of NPC names. If not empty, the response will only be applicable if, in addition to the movie matching Tag, one of the listed NPCs is also present within the theater. Currently only used for Penny, who has a special reaction to watching a movie if her mother Pam is present.
SpecialResponses Contains the dialogue spoken by an NPC during the film in a series of blocks. (See below.) Can be left null.
ID A unique identifier in the form of reaction_<index>, where <index> is, counting from 0, what number block this is within the Reactions list.

For unknown reasons, in the vanilla game code, when the Tag field is love or dislike, the Responsefield will always be like.

Special responses

Each SpecialResponses block contains 3 blocks, beginning with BeforeMovie, DuringMovie, and AfterMovie, in that order. Any of these blocks may be left null. By default, the dialogue within these blocks triggers when talking to the NPC in the movie theater lobby, at a random point during the movie, and after the movie is finished, respectively. The data within each block is as follows:

key format description
ResponsePoint If not null, this dialogue will trigger at the given response point instead of its regular timing. See Modding:Movie_theater_data#Scenes for an explanation of response points.
Script A script which runs prior to Text being displayed. Written in the same format as Modding:Event_data#Event_scripts.
Text The dialogue spoken by the NPC.

If multiple response blocks are applicable to the movie, the game uses the first non-null Response, BeforeMovie, DuringMovie, and AfterMovie fields it can find. Said data does not necessarily have to come from the same response block. If the game cannot find applicable DuringMovie dialogue, it will use default text from Strings\Characters.xnb. If the game cannot find applicable BeforeMovie or AfterMovie dialogue, the NPC will show as being able to be spoken to, but interacting with them will have no effect.

Concession data

Data\Concessions.xnb contains the data for the food purchased at the concessions stand, stored as a list of blocks. For reference, below is the raw data of the file:

    "ID": 0,
    "Name": "Cotton Candy",
    "DisplayName": "Cotton Candy",
    "Description": "A large pink cloud of spun sugar.",
    "Price": 50,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 1,
    "Name": "Jasmine Tea",
    "DisplayName": "Jasmine Tea",
    "Description": "Green tea flavored with aromatic jasmine flowers.",
    "Price": 50,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 2,
    "Name": "Joja Cola",
    "DisplayName": "Joja Cola",
    "Description": "An extra-large cup of Joja's flagship soda.",
    "Price": 40,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 3,
    "Name": "Sour Slimes",
    "DisplayName": "Sour Slimes",
    "Description": "Tiny gummy slimes of assorted colors. They're sprinkled with an extremely sour powder.",
    "Price": 80,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 4,
    "Name": "Personal Pizza",
    "DisplayName": "Personal Pizza",
    "Description": "A pizza small enough to enjoy as a snack.",
    "Price": 150,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 5,
    "Name": "Nachos",
    "DisplayName": "Nachos",
    "Description": "Gooey, spicy cheese on top of freshly fried tortilla chips.",
    "Price": 100,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 6,
    "Name": "Salmon Burger",
    "DisplayName": "Salmon Burger",
    "Description": "A thick slab of salmon on a lightly toasted sesame seed bun.",
    "Price": 150,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 7,
    "Name": "Ice Cream Sandwich",
    "DisplayName": "Ice Cream Sandwich",
    "Description": "Vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate cookies.",
    "Price": 150,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 8,
    "Name": "Popcorn",
    "DisplayName": "Popcorn",
    "Description": "Popped kernels of corn, dusted lightly with salt and drizzled with butter.",
    "Price": 120,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 9,
    "Name": "Fries",
    "DisplayName": "Fries",
    "Description": "Thin slices of potato, deep fried and then lightly salted.",
    "Price": 100,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 10,
    "Name": "Chocolate Popcorn",
    "DisplayName": "Chocolate Popcorn",
    "Description": "It's normal popcorn... but with a chocolate coating.",
    "Price": 130,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 11,
    "Name": "Black Licorice",
    "DisplayName": "Black Licorice",
    "Description": "A chewy candy with an intense, pungent flavor.",
    "Price": 25,
    "ItemTags": null
    "ID": 12,
    "Name": "Star Cookie",
    "DisplayName": "Star Cookie",
    "Description": "A star-shaped shortbread cookie with rainbow sprinkles.",
    "Price": 150,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 13,
    "Name": "Jawbreaker",
    "DisplayName": "Jawbreaker",
    "Description": "It's a big, hard candy that lasts the whole movie!",
    "Price": 250,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 14,
    "Name": "Salted Peanuts",
    "DisplayName": "Salted Peanuts",
    "Description": "A classic salty treat.",
    "Price": 120,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 15,
    "Name": "Hummus Snack Pack",
    "DisplayName": "Hummus Snack Pack",
    "Description": "It's crunchy and healthy.",
    "Price": 90,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 16,
    "Name": "Kale Smoothie",
    "DisplayName": "Kale Smoothie",
    "Description": "It's loaded with vitamins and fiber.",
    "Price": 120,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 17,
    "Name": "Apple Slices",
    "DisplayName": "Apple Slices",
    "Description": "Crunchy and sweet little slices.",
    "Price": 100,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 18,
    "Name": "Panzanella Salad",
    "DisplayName": "Panzanella Salad",
    "Description": "A summer salad of bread and tomatoes.",
    "Price": 200,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 19,
    "Name": "Truffle Popcorn",
    "DisplayName": "Truffle Popcorn",
    "Description": "Heirloom popcorn sprinkled with truffle salt.",
    "Price": 180,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 20,
    "Name": "Cappuccino Mousse Cake",
    "DisplayName": "Cappuccino Mousse Cake",
    "Description": "A small chocolate cake glazed with a cappuccinio mousse.",
    "Price": 220,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 21,
    "Name": "JojaCorn",
    "DisplayName": "JojaCorn",
    "Description": "Joja's patented corn food, slathered in plenty of \"b'utter sauce\".",
    "Price": 10,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 22,
    "Name": "Stardrop Sorbet",
    "DisplayName": "Stardrop Sorbet",
    "Description": "A single drop of stardrop essence tranforms this sorbet into an extraordinary treat.",
    "Price": 1250,
    "ItemTags": [
    "ID": 23,
    "Name": "Rock Candy",
    "DisplayName": "Rock Candy",
    "Description": "Flavored sugar crystals attached to a convenient stick.",
    "Price": 90,
    "ItemTags": [


Each block within the list corresponds to a single concession. The data for each block is as follows:

key format description
ID A unique string ID to identify this entry.
Name The internal name of the concession.
DisplayName The name of the concession which is displayed to the player in-game.
Description The description of the concession.
Price The price of the concession in data-sort-value="">Gold.pngg.
ItemTags A list of tags which describe the concession, used to determine an NPC's reaction to it. Can be any arbitrary string; the ones currently used in the game are: Sweet, Candy, Drink, Hot, Healthy, Cold, Joja, Sour, Fatty, Salty, Sandwich, Burger, and Gourmet.
Texture The asset name for the texture containing the concession's sprite.
SpriteIndex The index within the Texture for the concession sprite, where 0 is the top-left sprite.

For example, this content pack adds a new 'Pufferchick Pop' concession with a custom image:

    "Format": "2.3.0",
    "Changes": [
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/Concessions",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop": {
                    "Id": "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop",   // must specify ID again when creating a new entry
                    "Name": "{{ModId}}_PufferchickPop", // best practice to match the ID, since it's sometimes used as an alternate ID
                    "DisplayName": "Pufferchick Pop",
                    "Description": "A cute cake pop shaped like a pufferchick.",
                    "Price": 25,
                    "Texture": "{{InternalAssetKey: assets/pufferchick-pop.png}}" // an image in your content pack
                    "SpriteIndex": 0

Concession tastes

Data\ConcessionTastes.xnb contains the data that determines an NPC's opinion of a concession. For reference, below is the raw data of the file:

    "Name": "Penny",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Cotton Candy"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Pam",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "George",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Black Licorice"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Alex",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Salmon Burger"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Evelyn",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Cappuccino Mousse Cake",
      "Star Cookie"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Pierre",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Personal Pizza"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Abigail",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Rock Candy"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Caroline",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Truffle Popcorn",
      "Jasmine Tea"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Harvey",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Apple Slices",
      "Jasmine Tea"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Gus",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Lewis",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Jasmine Tea"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Jodi",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Chocolate Popcorn"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
      "Truffle Popcorn",
    "Name": "Sam",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Personal Pizza"
    "LikedTags": [
      "Joja Cola",
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Vincent",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Kent",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Clint",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Emily",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Kale Smoothie"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Haley",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Cappuccino Mousse Cake"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Maru",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Star Cookie"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Sebastian",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Jasmine Tea"
    "LikedTags": [
      "Apple Slices",
    "DislikedTags": [
      "Kale Smoothie"
    "Name": "Robin",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Salted Peanuts"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Demetrius",
    "LovedTags": [
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Linus",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Salmon Burger"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Dwarf",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Rock Candy"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Krobus",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Black Licorice"
    "LikedTags": [],
    "DislikedTags": [
      "Stardrop Sorbet"
    "Name": "Wizard",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Black Licorice",
      "Star Cookie"
    "LikedTags": [
      "Jasmine Tea",
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Marnie",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Ice Cream Sandwich"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Shane",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Personal Pizza",
      "Hummus Snack Pack"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
      "Apple Slices",
      "Kale Smoothie"
    "Name": "Jas",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Sour Slimes"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Leah",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Panzanella Salad"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Sandy",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Cotton Candy"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Elliott",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Truffle Popcorn",
      "Cappuccino Mousse Cake"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "Willy",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Salmon Burger"
    "LikedTags": [
    "DislikedTags": [
    "Name": "*",
    "LovedTags": [
      "Stardrop Sorbet"
    "LikedTags": [],
    "DislikedTags": [
      "Black Licorice",


Each block within the list has the following data:

key format description
Name Who this block should apply to. Can be the name of an NPC or *, in which case the tastes will apply to every NPC.
A list of concession tags that are loved, liked, or disliked. This can be an ItemTag, or the internal name of a specific concession. To determine an NPC's opinion of a concession, the game totals how many tags from each group apply, with LovedTags and LikedTags contributing a positive score and DislikedTags contributing a negative. Purchasing a loved snack earns 50 Friendship points with the NPC, a liked snack earns 25 Friendship points, and a disliked snack neither earns nor costs friendship points with the NPC.