Template:Infobox furniture

Revision as of 22:44, 30 March 2017 by Margotbean (talk | contribs)

Infobox template for furniture that shows all available sources and suppresses unavailable sources. Can use alternate headings if the only source is a unique source (e.g., sold at a festival). Do not use this on your user page. It is reserved for content pages.


{{Infobox furniture
|name   = name of item (pagename if omitted)
|image  = name of image (pagename.png if omitted)
|size   = size of image in pixels (optional)
|image2 = second image (optional)
|size2  = size of second image in pixels (optional)
|image3 = third image (optional)
|size3  = size of third image in pixels (optional)
|space  = y (optional -- used to show space between images)
|description = description (optional)
|cs     = price at Carpenter's Shop (optional)
|tc     = y (sold at Traveling Cart?)  (optional)
|qi     = price at Casino (optional)
|fc     = y (sold through Furniture Catalogue?)  (optional)
|joja   = y (sold through Joja Furniture Catalogue?) (optional)
|junimo = y (sold through Junimo Catalogue?) (optional)
|retro  = y (sold through Retro Catalogue?) (optional)
|trash  = y (sold through Trash Catalogue?) (optional)
|wizard = y (sold through Wizard Catalogue?) (optional)
|mu     = museum donation details (optional)
|os     = other sources (optional)
|showheader = n (Suppress "Source" and "Cost/Price" headers)  (optional -- for use if the only source is "other")
|sellprice  = sell price (optional - as of v1.11 no furniture can be sold)

If showheader is omitted, the left heading changes from "Other Source(s)" to "Source(s)".


Example showing all fields

{{Infobox furniture
|name   = Sloth Skeleton
|image  = Sloth Skeleton L
|image2 = Sloth Skeleton M
|image3 = Sloth Skeleton R
|cs = 888
|tc = Y
|qi = 3000
|fc = y
|mu = 88 [[Artifacts]] including {{name|Rare Disc|class=inline}} and {{name|Dwarf Gadget}}
|sellprice = 40
|os     = Random monster drop
|joja   = y
|junimo = y
|retro  = y
|trash  = y
|wizard = y
Sloth Skeleton
Sloth Skeleton L.pngSloth Skeleton M.pngSloth Skeleton R.png
Can be placed inside your house.
Source Cost
Robin Icon.png Carpenter's Shop: data-sort-value="888">Gold.png888g
Traveling Cart Icon.png Travelling Cart: data-sort-value="furniture"Gold.png250–2,500g
Mr. Qi Icon.png Casino: data-sort-value="3000">QiCoin.png3,000
Furniture Catalogue.png Furniture Catalogue: data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g
Gunther Icon.png Museum Donation: 88 Artifacts including Rare Disc.png Rare Disc and Dwarf Gadget.png Dwarf Gadget
Other Source(s): Random monster drop
Sell Price: data-sort-value="40">Gold.png40g

Name of item omitted

{{Infobox furniture
|image = Ceramic Pillar
|size = 48
|cs = 100000000000
|fc = y
|tc = n
Infobox furniture
Ceramic Pillar.png
Can be placed inside your house.
Source Price
Robin Icon.png Carpenter's Shop: data-sort-value="100000000000">Gold.png100,000,000,000g
Furniture Catalogue.png Furniture Catalogue: data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g
Sell Price: Cannot be sold

showheader field suppressed

{{Infobox furniture
|name = Monster Danglers
|image = Monster Danglers
|os = <ul><li style="white-space:nowrap;">{{NPC|Robin|6 Hearts Event}}</li><li>Purchase in the [[Casino]] for {{price|1000000}}</li></ul>
|showheader = n
Monster Danglers
Monster Danglers.png
Can be placed inside your house.
  • Robin Icon.png Robin (6 Hearts Event)

  • Purchase in the Casino for data-sort-value="1000000">Gold.png1,000,000g
Sell Price: Cannot be sold