Peach Tree

Peach Tree
Peach Stage 5 Fruit.png
Sapling: Peach Sapling.png Peach Sapling
Pierre Icon.png Sapling Price: data-sort-value="6000">Gold.png6,000g
Traveling Cart Icon.png Sapling Price: data-sort-value="1500"Gold.png4,500–7,500g
Produce: Peach.png Peach
Growth Time: 28 days
Harvest Season: Summer.png Summer

The Peach Tree is a type of fruit tree. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Peach each day during the Summer. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.

Stages of Growth

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Total: 28 Days


Peach Tree hit by lightning


  • 1.4: 3x3 grid no longer needs to be kept clear for tree fruit to mature to iridium quality.
  • 1.6: Will now yield a Peach Sapling of corresponding quality when cut down.