Template:Infobox fish/doc


This template is used to display an infobox for fish (and fish-like item) pages. Do not use this on your user page. It is reserved for content pages.


eng         = English fish name
description = In-game item description (optional -- populated by Template:Description if omitted)
location    = Area(s) where the Fish can be caught
source      = How to obtain the fish, other than fishing pole
time        = What time range the fish can be caught in
season      = What season(s) the fish can caught in (e.g., Summer)
weather     = What weather the fish can be found in (e.g., Rain)
difficulty  = Difficulty level of the fish.  Auto-populates Fishing XP section if present.
behavior    = Behavior type of the fish (described in Fish#Behavior)
fl          = Required fishing level (optional)
size        = Size range of the fish in INCHES (converts to other languages automatically)
xp          = XP (and type of XP).  Only for non-fishing-pole fish.
price       = Base price of the fish, no star
edibility   = Base edibility of the fish, no star
quality     = Set to normal or false for fish that come only in normal quality (Optional)
roe         = The color of the Roe (matching the filenames in Category:Roe images) to add a section showing roe, aged roe, and prices