Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Content Packs


A content pack is a special type of mod that isn't run by SMAPI directly, but contains files your own mod can read.

Content pack format

A content pack is a folder containing a manifest.json file which specifies your mod in its ContentPackFor field (see manifest). The format beyond that is up to you to define. For example, Content Patcher requires a content.json file, but that's not validated by SMAPI itself. Instead, SMAPI provides an API you can use to read any other file you need from the content pack.

See Modding:Content packs for more info about content packs.

Content pack API

Get owned content packs

To get the content packs installed for your mod (including a Manifest field with the content pack's full manifest info):

foreach(IContentPack contentPack in this.Helper.ContentPacks.GetOwned())
   this.Monitor.Log($"Reading content pack: {contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} from {contentPack.DirectoryPath}");

Check if a file exists

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 3.0, and may change before release.

You can check if a file exists in the content pack folder using HasFile. You can specify a relative path like data/content.json.

if (!contentPack.HasFile("content.json"))
   // show 'required file missing' error

Read a JSON file

You can read a JSON file from a content pack folder into a data model (YourDataModel in the example below) using ReadJsonFile. You can specify a relative path like data/content.json. This will return null if the file doesn't exist.

YourDataModel data = contentPack.ReadJsonFile<YourDataFile>("content.json");

Write a JSON file

You can write a JSON file in a content pack folder using WriteJsonFile, using a data model (YourDataModel in the example below). You can specify a relative path like data/content.json (subdirectories will be created automatically if needed). This will create the file if it doesn't exist, or overwrite it if it does.

Note: this is best used for generated files. Overwriting the original files isn't recommended, since a bug in your mod which changes an original file might permanently break the content pack and require the player to reinstall it.

YourDataModel data = new YourDataModel();
contentPack.WriteJsonFile("content.json", data);

Read content asset

You can read a content asset from the content pack folder using LoadAsset. You can optionally specify a relative path to read from a subfolder.

Texture2D image = contentPack.LoadAsset<Texture2D>("image.png");

If you need to pass an asset name to game code, you can use the GetActualAssetKey method:

tilesheet.ImageSource = contentPack.GetActualAssetKey("image.png");

Get translations

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 3.0, and may change before release.

You can read translations from the content pack's i18n folder. This is identical to the translation API, but accessed through contentPack.Translations:

string text = contentPack.Translation.Get("item-type.label");

Create a fake content pack

In specialised cases, you can create a temporary content pack for a given directory path:

// create with random manifest data
IContentPack contentPack = this.Helper.ContentPack.CreateFake(
   directoryPath: Path.Combine(this.Helper.DirectoryPath, "content-pack"),

// create with given manifest fields
IContentPack contentPack = this.Helper.ContentPack.CreateFake(
   directoryPath: Path.Combine(this.Helper.DirectoryPath, "content-pack"),
   id: Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
   name: "temporary content pack",
   description: "...",
   author: "...",
   version: new SemanticVersion(1, 0, 0)