Warp Totem

From Stardew Valley Wiki
Revision as of 22:34, 10 October 2020 by Prismatic Witch (talk | contribs) (game crash when using a Warp Totem while facing a Calendar. found this by accident)
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Warp Totems are consumable items that can be used as instant transport to different areas on the map. They can be crafted, earned, or purchased at the Casino, and are used to quickly travel to different parts of the Valley. Crafting recipes come from leveling up your Foraging skill. To use a Warp Totem, select it in inventory and "use" it (right-click).

Later in the game there are permanent teleporters available which replace consumable Warp Totems. They function much the same way, but are not consumed on use.

There are four locations Warp Totems will teleport players to: The Farm, The Mountain, The Beach, and The Desert.

Note that on the day of the Luau and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, the Warp Totem: Beach will be consumed upon use, but will not transport the player to the Beach.


  • Warp Totem Farm.png Warp Totem: Farm warps you directly to your farm totem. It is consumed on use.
  • Return Scepter.png Return Scepter warps you directly to your farm house. It is not consumed on use.
Warp Totem Farm location.png


Warp Totem Mountain location.png


Warp Totem Beach location.png


Warp Totem Desert location.png


If a Warp Totem is used while facing a Calendar in the Farmhouse, the Calendar and Warp Totem will be activated at the same time and the game will crash. This only happens with the Calendar item, the Calendar in front of the General Store is safe.
