Haley's Iron

Haley's Iron
Haley's Iron.png
It's searing hot and smells like Haley's hair.
Type: Sword
Level: 6
Source: Sold by Haley during the Desert Festival for data-sort-value="70">Calico Egg.png 70 Calico Eggs
Damage: 30-45
Critical Strike Chance: .02
Stats: Speed w.png Speed (-1)Crit. Power.png Crit. Power (+10)
Adventurer's Guild
Purchase Price: Not Sold
Sell Price: data-sort-value="300">Gold.png300g

Haley's Iron is a sword weapon sold by Haley for data-sort-value="70">Calico Egg.png 70 Calico Eggs during the Desert Festival.


  • 1.1: Introduced, but unobtainable
  • 1.6: Now obtainable during desert festival.