Trash Catalogue

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Trash Catalogue
Trash Catalogue.png
Access a free supply of trash decorations. Wash hands after use.
Source(s) Garbage Cans
Sell Price Cannot be sold

The Trash Catalogue is a catalogue of furniture and decor items that can be obtained from searching Garbage Cans. After a player records a minimum of 50 garbage cans searched, there is a 0.2% (1 in 500) chance of receiving the catalogue for each can searched. Several items included in the catalogue can be seen around the valley.

Once placed, Right-Click.png on the catalogue allows the player to obtain unlimited trash-themed furniture and decor items at no cost.

Tip: Shift + Left-Click.png on an item to add it directly to inventory, instead of attaching it to the mouse cursor.

Available Trash Furniture

Image Name Description
Aluminum Can.png
Aluminum Can Can be placed as decoration.
Blue Bottle.png
Blue Bottle Can be placed as decoration.
Broken Television.png
Broken Television Can be placed as decoration.
Buried Tire.png
Buried Tire Can be placed as decoration.
Green Bottle.png
Green Bottle Can be placed as decoration.
Messy Shirt.png
Messy Shirt Can be placed as decoration.
Messy Shorts.png
Messy Shorts Can be placed as decoration.
Moldy Couch.png
Moldy Couch Can be placed as decoration.
Plastic Bag.png
Plastic Bag Can be placed as decoration.
Plastic Lawn Chair.png
Plastic Lawn Chair Can be placed as decoration.
Plastic Lawn End Table.png
Plastic Lawn End Table Can be placed as decoration.
Six-Pack Rings.png
Six-Pack Rings Can be placed as decoration.
Spilled Beverage.png
Spilled Beverage Can be placed as decoration.
Tire Can be placed as decoration.
Wrapper Can be placed as decoration.

Available Wallpaper

Wallpaper 135.png Wallpaper 136.png


  • 1.6: Introduced.