Furniture Catalogue

Revision as of 16:54, 10 October 2019 by Margotbean (talk | contribs) (history of bug removal)
Furniture Catalogue
Furniture Catalogue.png
Provides unlimited access to almost every furniture item... from the convenience of your home!
Source(s): Robin Icon.png Carpenter's Shop
Sell Price: Cannot be sold

The Furniture Catalogue can be purchased at the Carpenter's Shop for data-sort-value="200000">Gold.png200,000g, after upgrading the farmhouse.

Once placed, right-clicking on the furniture catalogue allows the player to purchase furniture items for data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g in unlimited quantity. With the exception of the items listed below, every furniture item is available.

The furniture catalogue is similar to the Catalogue sold at Pierre's General Store, which gives access to wallpaper and flooring.

The furniture catalogue can also be used as a display table. Selecting an inventory item and right-clicking on the catalogue will place the item on the middle of the catalogue.


In addition to the Furniture Catalogue itself, the following furniture will never appear in the Furniture Catalogue:

  '1000 Years From Now'   'A Night On Eco-Hill'   'Burnt Offering'   'Clouds'   'Jade Hills'   'Land Of Clay'   'Portrait Of A Mermaid'   'Red Eagle'   'Solar Kingdom'   'The Serpent'   'Three Trees'   'Tropical Fish #173'   ??Foroguemon??   ??HMTGF??   ??Pinky Lemon??   Basic Log   Bear Statue   Big Green Cane   Big Red Cane   Catalogue   Chicken Statue   Crystal Chair   Dried Sunflowers   Drum Block   Flute Block   Grave Stone


  • This is one of the few items in the game that is spelled using British English instead of American English (where the -ue ending would be dropped, becoming catalog).
