Table Plant

Table Plant
Table Plant.png
Can be placed as decoration.
Source Price
Robin Icon.png Carpenter's Shop data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250g
Traveling Cart Icon.png Traveling Cart data-sort-value="furniture"Gold.png250–2,500g
Furniture Catalogue.png Furniture Catalogue data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g
Sell Price Cannot be sold

The Table Plant is a decorative piece of furniture. It can rotate into daily stock at the Carpenter's Shop for data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250g or the Traveling Cart for between data-sort-value="furniture"Gold.png250–2,500g. It's also available from the Furniture Catalogue for data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g.

There is a small chance to receive this furniture item from slaying monsters, breaking crates and barrels, chopping trees, shaking trees with seeds, digging Artifact Spots, or panning.[1]


  1. See Utility::getRandomCosmeticItem and Utility::trySpawnRareObject in the game code. Chances are determined in GameLocation::monsterDrop, BreakableContainer::releaseContents, Tree::performToolAction, Tree::shake, GameLocation::digUpArtifactSpot, and Pan::getPanItems.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.5: Decor can be placed outside.
  • 1.6: Small chance added to receive from various player actions.