Squid Kid (dangerous)

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Squid Kid (dangerous)
Squid Kid Dangerous.png
Spawns In:
Floors: 91-119 [1]
Killable: Yes
Base HP: 250
Base Damage: 22-32
Base Def: 6
Speed: 3
XP: 15
Variations: Squid Kid.png Squid Kid
Drops: Bomb.png Bomb (10%)Dwarf Scroll III.png Dwarf Scroll III (0.5%)Dwarf Scroll IV.png Dwarf Scroll IV (0.1%)Gold Bar.png Gold Bar (5%)Mega Bomb.png Mega Bomb (5%)Solar Essence.png Solar Essence (75%)Squid Ink.png Squid Ink (20%)

If reached bottom of Mines:

Diamond.png Diamond (0.05%)Prismatic Shard.png Prismatic Shard (0.05%)

Squid Kids (dangerous) are an enemy found in the Mines after activating the Shrine of Challenge or during the Danger In The Deep quest. They can also be found in the Skull Cavern during the Skull Cavern Invasion quest.


They behave identical to their weaker counterpart, the Squid Kid. They will move suddenly, hover over rocks, and shoot 4 fireballs at the player, which ricochet off walls.


Simply move in quickly and hit them. A Slingshot can be used to safely kill them from a distance. Their fireballs can also be hit and destroyed; however, fireballs will not be stopped by a sword's secondary attack.


  1. See StardewValley.Locations.MineShaft::getMonsterForThisLevel in the game code.


  • 1.5: Introduced.