
Revision as of 20:36, 30 March 2018 by Margotbean (talk | contribs) (note that dino eggs are artifacts for gifting purposes)


“I wanna be just like my big brother when I grow up!”
— Vincent

Vincent is a villager who lives in the southern part of Pelican Town. He's a young boy, and can often be found with his best friend Jas. He looks up to his brother and wants to be just like him when he grows up.


Most days Vincent wakes up at 9:00 AM, plays inside for a few hours before heading out to town. He usually heads home about 7:00 PM. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays he and Jas both spend the afternoon with Penny being tutored at the museum. She doesn't tutor them during summer though, and during that season he's often at the beach.

Vincent won't leave his home on days when it's raining, unless it's Spring 11.

His schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather or certain days of the week. Below are his schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example, when it is raining that schedule will override the schedule of any season below it).

Spring 11
9:00 AM Wakes up, concerned about having to go to the doctor. "*sob*... I have to get my shots today."
11:30 AM Leaves home to travel to the clinic for his annual checkup. "*gulp*... Mommy, don't make me do it."
1:30 PM Continues checkup at the clinic. "Do I get a lollipop for being so brave?"
4:00 PM Leaves the clinic to walk home, once there he plays inside.
10:00 PM Goes to bed for the night.
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day.
11:00 AM Plays inside his home.
2:00 PM Moves around inside his home.
5:00 PM Moves around inside his home.
7:00 PM Plays inside his home.
10:00 PM Goes to bed for the night.
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day.
11:00 AM Plays inside his home.
1:40 PM Leaves his home and heads to The Beach.
7:00 PM Leaves The Beach and walks back home.
11:00 PM Goes to bed for the night.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 AM Leaves his home and walks to the Museum to be tutored by Penny.
2:00 PM Leaves the Museum, walks back to Pelican Town.
4:20 PM Walks around Pelican Town.
5:40 PM Leaves town to go home.
10:00 PM Goes to bed for the night.
10:10 AM Leaves his home and heads outside to Pelican Town.
12:00 PM Heads to the town square.
5:00 PM Leaves the town square and walks around Pelican Town.
10:00 PM Leaves town to go home to bed for the night.
Regular Schedule
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day.
11:00 AM Plays inside his home.
2:00 PM Leaves his home and heads outside to the town square.
5:00 PM Leaves town and walks home.
7:00 PM Plays inside his home.
10:00 PM Goes to bed for the night.


Vincent lives with his mother Jodi and his brother Sam. His father Kent is away at war in Year 1, but returns and lives with the family when he returns in Year 2. He's often seen alongside his friend Jas, who is the only resident of town close to his age. Penny takes time to teach both Vincent and Jas at the museum since there's no school nearby.


Main article: Friendship
See also: List of All Gifts

You can give Vincent up to two gifts per week (plus one on his birthday), which will raise or lower his friendship with you. Gifts on his birthday (  10 Spring) will have 8× effect and show a unique dialogue.
For loved or liked gifts, Vincent will say

“A birthday gift? That's very kind of you! I love it.”
“You remembered my birthday! Thank you. This is great!”

For neutral gifts, Vincent will say

“Oh, a birthday gift! Thank you.”

For disliked or hated gifts, Vincent will say

“Oh... It's for my birthday? ... Thanks.”


“Wow, thank you so much! This is terrific!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Cranberry Candy It's sweet enough to mask the bitter fruit. Cooking   Cranberries (1)  Apple (1)  Sugar (1)
Grape A sweet cluster of fruit. Farming - Fall

Foraging - Summer

Pink Cake There's little heart candies on top. Cooking   Melon (1)  Wheat Flour (1)  Sugar (1)  Egg (1)


“For me? Wow, thanks!”
Image Name Description Source
Coconut A seed of the coconut palm. It has many culinary uses. Foraging - Desert
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring


Image Name Description Source


“This isn't very fun...”
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with a good texture Foraging - Fall
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! Foraging - Fall
Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Foraging - Winter
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. Foraging - The Mines
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging- The Mines
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Tilling - Winter
Winter Root A starchy tuber. Tilling - Winter

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“Yuck, what is this?”
Image Name Description Source
Clay Used in crafting and construction. Tilling
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring

Heart Events

Eight Hearts


Speak to Vincent after reaching 8 hearts with him.

Vincent will ask if you can keep a secret. You cannot reply, but he will continue speaking: "Don't tell her, but when I'm older, I want to marry Miss Penny." He will say this regardless of whether you have married Penny or not.
