Wilderness Golem

Revision as of 16:50, 4 April 2021 by Margotbean (talk | contribs) (variations)
Wilderness Golem
Wilderness Golem Anim.gif
Spawns In: The Farm
Killable: Yes
Base HP: 30
Base Damage: 5
Base Def: 1
Speed: 3
XP: 5
Drops: Coal.png Coal (10%)Diamond.png Diamond (0.1%)Earth Crystal.png Earth Crystal (0.5%)Fiber.png Fiber (90%)Fiber.png Fiber (50%)Mixed Seeds.png Mixed Seeds (50%)Rice Shoot.png Rice Shoot (6.25% in Spring)[1]Living Hat.png Living Hat (0.01%)

If reached bottom of Mines:

Diamond.png Diamond (0.05%)Prismatic Shard.png Prismatic Shard (0.05%)

Wilderness Golems are a unique enemy found on farms at night if the player selects a wilderness map as their farm layout. They'll scale in difficulty based on the player's combat level; as the player's level increases so will the monster's difficulty.

Wilderness Golems can also spawn on other farm layouts provided the player has given a Strange Bun to the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors in the Witch's Hut, or chosen the Advanced Option "Spawn monsters on the farm" at new game creation.


They wander aimlessly and slowly make their way to the player, damaging the player if they collide. Their behavior is the same as Stone Golems.


Swinging at them with a sword is the most effective strategy.


A Wilderness Golem plays a central role in Abigail's 14 heart event.


  1. Rice Shoots are added to Wilderness Golem drops by RockGolem::getExtraDropItems, only in Spring.
