Seed Maker

Revision as of 15:36, 16 March 2016 by NibKing (talk | contribs)
Seed Maker
Blank icon.png
Place crops inside to produce a 1-3 seeds.
Doesn't work with Blackberries, Cave Carrots, Daffodils, Fruit Trees, Leeks, Salmonberries, or Spring Onions.
Source Equipment
Season Any Season
Sell Price
Blank icon.png
Blank icon.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Blank icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Blank icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Ingredients Wood.png Wood (25)Gold Bar.png Gold Bar (1)Coal.png Coal (10)
Robin building.png
“I still have a lot of work to do”
— Robin

Under Construction

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Last edited by NibKing on 2016-03-16 15:36:49.

The Seed Maker is an item that produces seeds from a harvested crop.

Time to Process: 20 in-game minutes.

Seeds per Crop: The Seed Maker can produce 1-3 seeds of the same variety as the input crop (95% chance, average of 2 seeds), one mixed seed (4.5% chance), or an Ancient Fruit seed (0.5% chance). Neither the number of seeds produced nor the likelihood of getting Mixed Seeds or Ancient Seeds seems to be affected by luck.

  • A test performed with software enabling in-game clock freeze suggests that the randomness either depends on the time at which the seeds were placed in the seed maker, or the time at which they are removed,and not on an actual random number generator, thus the reason why luck doesn't play a part in it.*

Unlocked: Farming Level 9