
Revision as of 21:05, 27 April 2018 by Margotbean (talk | contribs) (infobox name change)
Stardew Valley Museum & Library
Open Hours: 8:00AM to 6:00PM
Closed: Does not have a closing day.
Address: East side of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith.

Gunther Icon.png Gunther

The Museum can be found in the South-East corner of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith.

The museum contains a library and a gallery for displaying the museum's collection. At the start of the game, the entire collection is empty. Gunther, the curator, will ask The Player to help by donating Artifacts and Minerals, as well as finding the missing Lost Books from the library.

Only a single copy of any particular item may be donated. Donations may be rearranged until the collection is complete. Donated items may be examined by right-clicking on them.

Penny tutors Vincent and Jas in the library on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Donation Rewards

Gunther offers rewards when the collection has grown to certain points, or for the donation of specific artifacts.

Total Donations

There are 95 items that can be donated to the Museum.

Items Donated Reward
5   Cauliflower Seeds (9)
10   Melon Seeds (9)
15   Starfruit Seeds (1)
20   'A Night On Eco-Hill' Painting
25   'Jade Hills' Painting
30   Lg. Futan Bear
40   Rarecrow #8 (+ Treasure Trove Achievement)
50   Bear Statue
60   Rusty Key (Gunther will deliver it to you the next day)
95 (all items)   Stardrop (+ A Complete Collection Achievement)

Minerals Donated

There are a total of 53 Minerals that can be donated.

Minerals Donated Reward
11   Standing Geode
21   Singing Stone
31   Obsidian Vase
41   Crystal Chair
50   Crystalarium

Artifacts Donated

There are a total of 42 Artifacts that can be donated.

To receive the 'Burnt Offering' reward, you must have already donated 10 artifacts that include the Rare Disc and Dwarf Gadget. The 11th (or later) donation that meets these conditions will earn you the 'Burnt Offering.'

Artifacts Donated Reward
11 artifacts including:  Rare Disc  Dwarf Gadget   'Burnt Offering'
15 artifacts   Skeleton Statue
20 artifacts   Rarecrow #7
3 artifacts including:  Ancient Drum   Drum Block
  Ancient Seed   Ancient Seeds (1) + Crafting Recipe
3 artifacts including:  Bone Flute   Flute Block
5 artifacts including:  Chicken Statue   Chicken Statue
  Dwarf Scroll I  Dwarf Scroll II  Dwarf Scroll III  Dwarf Scroll IV   Dwarvish Translation Guide
  Prehistoric Skull  Skeletal Hand  Prehistoric Scapula   Sloth Skeleton L
  Prehistoric Rib  Prehistoric Vertebra   Sloth Skeleton M
  Prehistoric Tibia  Skeletal Tail   Sloth Skeleton R


See: Lost Books


There are 2 Achievements associated with donating Artifacts or Minerals to the Museum.

  • Treasure Trove (Donate 40 different items to the museum)
  • A Complete Collection (Complete the museum collection)


  • There is a total of 102 spaces available for donations to be placed but a total of only 95 available items to be donated. Six spaces in the center of the largest table cannot be reached to examine items placed on them, so it may be advisable to leave this area empty.
  • To move an item already placed on a museum table, you can click on it to pick it up, then place it where you want. You must already have entered the donations screen to do this, which means you must initially have had something new to donate. Once all items have been donated, no more moves are possible.
  • Glitch: While donating, your inventory box automatically shifts down once an item is selected. If you attempt to move the screen around (say, to reveal free display spots further into the museum) before the inventory box has shifted down, you may be unable to place new items in the display spaces. To continue, simply quit the donation screen and try again.